1) A Marketing Firm Conducts a Study Where 200 People Are Shown Either a 30 Second Animated Commercial or a 30 Second Live Action


1) A marketing firm conducts a study where 200 people are shown either a 30 second animated commercial or a 30 second live action commercial for the same product. After viewing the commercial, subjects are asked to rate the product '1' to '10. Circle one: Observational Study Retrospective or Prospective? Experiment Subjects: Treatments: Response:


Cristian veterano · Tutor durante 11 años
Weryfikacja ekspertów
4.1 (370 Votos)


ExperimentSubjects: 200 peopleTreatments: The two types of commercials (30 second animated commercial and 30 second live action commercial)Response: The product rating given by the subjects on a scale of '1' to '10'