Ciencias Sociales
¿cómo puede llegar a afectar a una persona su entorno? ¿como suele ser la vida en las grandes culdades? ¿cómo suele ser la vida en


¿Cómo puede llegar a afectar a una persona su entorno? ¿COmo suele ser la vida en las grandes culdades? ¿Cómo suele ser la vida en las zonas rurales? ¿Es poslble camblar de estilo de vida? a. ¿Qué puede llegar a representar un camblo de estilo de vida? Lista 8 de los valores humanos facerganización social: Para responder las siguientes preguntas, utiliza como referencla la página 198 del libro de texto y realka tu propia investigadón. Existen diferentes tipos de sociedades. Explica las siguientes: a. La sociedad recolectora y cazadora: b. La sociedad industrial: c. La sociedad posindustrial: d. La sociedad agricola: e. La sociedad sostenible: ¿Qué es una democracia? ¿Cuáles son las ventajas y las desventajas de las sociedades globalizadas? a. Ventajas: b. Desventajas: ¿Qué implica el cambio hacia una sociedad sostenible? Para convivir en armonia, los ciudadanos de una sociedad tienen derechos y deberes. Explica cada uno de estos conceptos. a. Derechos: b. Deberes: Lista los principales derechos de una persona. Lista los principales deberes de una persona


Hugo veterano · Tutor durante 9 años
Weryfikacja ekspertów
4.6 (177 Votos)


2. How the environment can affect an individual depends on various factors including cultural, economic, political and ecological characteristics of the environment. These dynamics may have a profound influence on a person's thoughts, perceptions, behaviors, and lifestyle.3. Life in large cities is usually characterized by a faster pace, more opportunities for jobs and education, access to diverse lifestyles while at the same time challenges such as pollution, high cost of living, and potential social disconnect.4. Rural life can often be described as a pace slower than city life, it might be lacking in modern amenities but this absence could potentially reinforce natural and traditional ways of living. Calmer, less crowded with larger green open spaces, but harder to access some services.5. Yes, it is possible to change one's lifestyle.a. A lifestyle change may represent several things such as personal growth, the move towards healthier life choices, or potentially being a reaction to socio-economic changes such as job location transfer or financial changes.6. Eight human values could be Compassion, Respect, Freedom, Trust, Justice, Cooperation, Humility, Hope.La erganización social1. a. The peculiarity of hunter-and-gatherer societies lies in their reliance on hunting wild game and gathering edible plants for survival.b. The industrial society characteristically heavily dependent upon the manufacturing industry. c. A post-industrial society is one where the service sector delivers the most gross national product (GNP).d. An agrarian society is one that fundamentally depends on farming in terms of crop production.e. A sustainable society focuses on achieving a harmonious balance between economic advancement and preservation of the environment.2. A democracy is a governmental structure where power effectively lies in the people's hands, who have the liberty to elect representatives.3. a. Globalization advantages include the unencumbered flow of information, culture, and technologies among countries.b. Disadvantages include influence over local traditional ethnic cultures by introducing external global cultures.4. Transitioning to a sustainable society entails advancing society’s methods of cohabitation and co-existence with nature, focusing on long-term ecological balance and renewable resources of abstract and consumptive nature.5. a. Rights: Preserved privileges given to a member of society.b. Responsibilities: Are obligations or task society’s member must perform for harmonious cohabitation.6.The basic human rights primarily include the right to life, liberty, privacy, freedom of speech and religion.7.Primary human responsibilities may refer to the observance of the law, paying of taxes, respecting the rights, beliefs and opinion of others.


This question set covers multiple aspects of society ranging from an individual's interactions with their environment or surroundings and their lifestyle changes (from an urban to rural perspective or vice versa) to principles of social organization at various stages of social development, including hunting and gathering societies, agrarian, industrial, postindustrial, and sustainable societies.The democratic system of governance has been defined alongside its advantages and disadvantages, the specifics of a sustainable society and the prerequisites for peaceful cohabitation within a society, including both rights and duties of individuals living in a community setting. Throughout to expound these subject matters, the listed points are drawn mostly on general concepts of sociology, political science, and cultural anthropology.