Time with Us Ra Identify and Define the Prefix (P), Combining Form (CF)and Suffix (S) Write Out the Definition or Meaning of the


time with us ra Identify and define the prefix (P), combining form (CF)and suffix (S) Write out the definition or meaning of the medical term 1.LYN IPHON MA CF: s: Definition: 2. MONONUCLEOSIS P: CF: S: Definition: 3. SPLE NOMEGALY CF: S: Definition: 4. AUTOIMMUNE P: CF: S:-e = noun suffix w/ no meaning Definition: 5. IMMUNOTHERAPY Definition: 6. NEOPLASM P: S: Definition: PECT TONS: EXAM our serp EDCAPMEN Phyper.scentive daily malco indipeh Definition: Abnormal ook having excess ve carbon dolds 7. SAP COM a CF S: Definition: B. ANGIOG ENES IS CF: S: Definition: 9. TON SILLE CTOMY CP: S: Definition: 10. ANTINEOPLASTIC P: P: -plastic=pertainingtoform Definition: 11. ANTIBIOTIC P: CF: S: Definition: 12 SPLENORRHAGIA CF: S: Definition:


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1. LYMPHOMACF: LY -omaDefinition: A type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system.2. MONONUCLEOSISP: MONO-CF: NUCLEO-S: -sisDefinition: An infection that results in the increase of lymphocytes in the blood.3. SPLENOMEGALYCF: SPLENO-S: -megalyDefinition: Enlargement of the spleen.4. AUTOIMMUNEP: AUTO-CF: IMMUN-S: -eDefinition: A condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues.5. IMMUNOTHERAPYP: IMMUNO-S: -therapyDefinition: A treatment that uses certain parts to fight diseases such as cancer.6. NEOPLASMP: NEO-S: -plasmDefinition: A new and abnormal growth of tissue, which may be benign or malignant.7. SAP COMACF: SAP-S: -comaDefinition: A state of deep unconsciousness for a prolonged or indefinite period, especially as a result of severe injury or illness.8. ANGIOGENESISCF: ANGIO-S: -genesisDefinition: The formation of new blood vessels.9. TONSILLECTOMYCF: TONSIL-S: -ectomyDefinition: Surgical removal of the tonsils.10. ANTINEOPLASTICP: ANTI-CF: NEOPLAS-S: - Against or inhibiting the growth of malignant cells.11. ANTIBIOTICP: ANTI-CF: BIOT-S: -icDefinition: A substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms.12. SPLENORRHAGIACF: SPLEN-S: -rrhagiaDefinition: Excessive bleeding from the spleen.