

square Enlightenment: Romantic: Alas, what wonder! man's superior part Unchecked may rise, and climb from art to art; But when his own great work is but begun. What reason weaves, by passion is undone. -Essay on Man Write two to three sentences comparing the two poems and explaining how each poem reflects the time period in which it was written square


Sergio veterano · Tutor durante 9 años
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The Enlightenment poem "Essay on Man" by Alexander Pope reflects the period's emphasis on reason, logic, and the pursuit of knowledge. It highlights the belief in human progress through rational thought, yet acknowledges the potential for passion to disrupt this process. In contrast, Romantic poetry often emphasized emotion, individualism, and the beauty of nature, reacting against the Enlightenment's focus on reason. Romantic poets celebrated the imagination and the sublime, valuing personal experience and emotional depth over structured rationality.