On the evening of April 14 Lady attended a phouseglossary less than one week after General Lee's forces surrendered at at Ford's Theatre Ford's Theate (opens in a new window), President Uncoln and the First stage stopped the performan play had already begun society Seeing the president arrive, the actors on to give the produce, The orchestra played "Hall to the Chief," and the audience rose had entered the Soon after the president fisident a standing ovation for the Union victory in the war man was John Wilkes Booth.a well-known and popular actor, who was also a passionate assassinated the Confederacy As the crowd burst into laughter watching the play Booth presidents guests, tried to catch Booth, but Booth slashed at Rathbone with a knife and then Rathbone, one of the leaped 12 feet to the stage below. Witnesses differed in their recollection of the events because they happened so quickly, but for several minutes, no one realized the president was hurt. Some thought Booth's leap was part of the play. However,when Mary Lincoln screamed, the audience realized what happened Two doctors soon carried the president to a house across the street for medical treatment. Despite their efforts, President Abraham Lincoln died in the morning of April 151865. Booth had planned his attack, and there was a horse waiting for his escape. Federal agents tracked Booth to Virginia near the Rappahannock River.Hiding in a barn he refused to surrender and was killed on April 26. After Lincoln's death, Vice President Andrew Johnson became the 17th president of the United States. He inherited an unstable country and the staggering task of trying to bring it together. 1.What were the events leading up to President Lincoln's assassination on April 14, 1865?
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President Lincoln attended a play at Ford's Theatre on the evening of April 14, 1865, less than a week after General Lee's forces surrendered. During the performance, John Wilkes Booth, a well-known actor and passionate supporter of the Confederacy, assassinated the president. Booth leaped onto the stage after slashing at one of the president's guests with a knife. Despite the audience initially thinking Booth's actions were part of the play, they soon realized the president was hurt when Mary Lincoln screamed. Two doctors carried Lincoln across the street for medical treatment, but he died the next morning. Booth was tracked to Virginia and killed on April 26.