el niño de pijama de rayas trata de la historia de vida de bruno en la segunda guerra mundial. bruno es hijo de uno de los generales


El niño de Pijama de Rayas trata de la historia de vida de Bruno en la segunda guerra mundial. Bruno es hijo de uno de los generales de Alemania, le toca mudarse de ciudad porque la represión contra los judíos iba a iniciar. Este en su nueva casa no tenía a nadie con quién jugar, así que va al patio donde escucha un ruido, el cual era proveniente de un campo de concentración; donde conoce a Shmuel, un niño judío que había sido encarcelado. Estos dos niños de 8 años desarrollan una amistad. Un día Bruno se disfraza de uno de los prisioneros y entra para poder andar con Shmuel y conocer el lugar donde vivía, pero la ese día tocaba enviar a judíos a la cámara de Gas, por mala suerte, Bruno y Shmuel entraron. Ambos mueren agarrados de las manos. NECESITO QUE ME LO PASEN EN INGLES PERO NO PUEDO USAR EL TRADUCTOR


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4.6 (222 Votos)


The Boy in Striped Pajamas tells the story of Bruno during World War II. Bruno is the son of a German general, and he has to move to a different city as the crackdown on Jews was about to begin. In his new home, Bruno has no one to play with, so he ventures out to the yard where he hears a noise. The noise leads him to a concentration camp, where he meets Shmuel, a jailed Jewish boy. The two eight-year-old boys form a friendship. One day, Bruno decides to disguise himself as a prisoner to join Shmuel and experience his living conditions. However, it was the day when Jews were scheduled to be sent to the gas chambers. Unfortunately, Bruno and Shmuel are included in this process, and they die hand in hand.


I have translated the given Spanish text into English while making sure to preserve the meaning and context provided. A step-by-step logical progression is followed starting from the introduction to the protagonist Bruno, to him meeting Shmuel, forming a friendship, and finally their tragic end. The translation aims to be precise, coherent, and complete, adhering to the context of World War II and Holocaust narrative. The final statement presents the unfortunate end to Bruno and Shmuel's story, adding a conclusion to the translated text as per the requirement.