If You Have a Crash and Someone Is Injured, You Should: A) Carefully Help Anyone Who Might Be Hurt and Send for Skilled Help as Quickly


If you have a crash and someone is injured, you should: a) carefully help anyone who might be hurt and send for skilled help as quickly as possible b) assume the victim is not injured, if they state they sustained no injury c) immediately pick up the victim and take them to the hospital in your car d) get the name of witnesses before you do anything else


Isabel veterano · Tutor durante 9 años
Weryfikacja ekspertów
4.2 (288 Votos)


The correct answer is a) carefully help anyone who might be hurt and send for skilled help as quickly as possible.In the event of a crash where someone is injured, it is important to prioritize their safety and well-being. The first step is to carefully assess the situation and provide any necessary first aid to those who may be injured. This could include checking for responsiveness, checking for breathing, and performing CPR if necessary. It is also important to call for skilled medical help, such as an ambulance, as soon as possible. While it is important to gather information from witnesses, this should not take precedence over providing immediate medical attention to those who are injured.