5. correct the mistakes. saul is than noisiest in the class. john is tallest than me. i think math are the most difficult subject.


5. Correct the mistakes. Saul is than noisiest in the class. John is tallest than me. I think math are the most difficult subject. Grapes are smallest than the apples.​


Gloria veterano · Tutor durante 11 años
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4.6 (239 Votos)


Respuesta:Corregir los errores. Saul es el más ruidoso de la clase. Juan es más alto que yo. Creo que las matemáticas son la materia más difícil. Las uvas son más pequeñas que las manzanas.Explicación: Saul is the loudest in the class. I am shorter than Juan. I think math is the most difficult subject. apples are bigger than grapes.esa es la respuesta