Good Luck! When Will Corrosion Occur to a Valve Stem or an Inner Valve Core? If They're Exposed to Ali Moisture and Salt. If the Valve


Good luck! When will corrosion occur to a valve stem or an inner valve core? If they're exposed to ali moisture and salt. If the valve contects a different metal. If the valve is heated for an extended period of time. If the inner valve core is overtightened.


Álvaro maestro · Tutor durante 5 años
Weryfikacja ekspertów
4.7 (266 Votos)


A, B, C, D


## Step 1Corrosion is a process that involves the degradation of materials, usually metals, due to chemical reactions. This process is often accelerated by the presence of moisture, air, and salts. These elements can cause the metal to oxidize, leading to corrosion.## Step 2The contact between different metals can also lead to corrosion. This is known as galvanic corrosion. When two different metals come into contact, one metal will corrode faster than the other. This is because one metal is more anodic (more likely to lose electrons) than the other.## Step 3Heat can also accelerate the corrosion process. When a metal is heated, it can cause the metal to expand and contract rapidly. This rapid expansion and contraction can lead to the formation of cracks in the metal, which can then be filled with corrosive substances.## Step 4Over-tightening the inner valve core can also lead to corrosion. This is because the over-tightening can cause the metal to deform, which can then be filled with corrosive substances.