The __ Side of the Heart Deals with __ Blood and Is a Part of __ Circulation-on Diagrams Is Usually Colored Blue, While the __ Side of


The __ side of the heart deals with __ blood and is a part of __ circulation-on diagrams is usually colored blue, while the __ side of the heart deals with __ blood is a part of __ circulation-on diagrams is usually colored red. right/oxy/pulmonary/left/deox //systemic left/deoxy/systemic/right/ox //pulmonary right/deoxy /pulmonary/left/oxy/systemic right/deoxy/systemic /left/oxy/pulmonary


Iván maestro · Tutor durante 5 años
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The right side of the heart deals with deoxygenated blood and is a part of pulmonary circulation. On diagrams, it is usually colored blue. The left side of the heart deals with oxygenated blood and is a part of systemic circulation. On diagrams, it is usually colored red.So, the correct answer is: right/deoxy/pulmonary/left/oxy/systemic.