Due: Wednesday, January 152025 at 2:30 Pm Student Will Need to Complete the Assignment Split the Medical Term up Using Multiple Colors


Due: Wednesday, January 152025 at 2:30 pm Student will need to complete the assignment split the medical term up using multiple colors Students will also need to define the word 1) ANKYLOSIS 2) ARTHERECTOMY 3) BURSITIS-Burs itis inflammation of the sac 4) CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME 5) CHRIOSPASM 6) CHONDROMA 7) CHONDROMALACIA 8) CALCANEODYNIA 9) COSTOTOMY 10) CRANIOCELE 11) CRANIOCLEIDODYSOSTOSIS


Fernanda professionell · Tutor durante 6 años
Weryfikacja ekspertów
3.4 (249 Votos)


Sure, I can help you with that. Here are the medical terms split up using multiple colors and their definitions:1) ANKYLOSIS- Ankylo-- -osisDefinition: Stiffness or fixation of a joint.2) ARTHERECTOMY- Arter-- -ectomyDefinition: Surgical removal of an artery.3) BURSITIS- Burs-- -itisDefinition: Inflammation of the bursa, a sac filled with fluid that cushions the bones, tendons, and muscles near your joints.4) CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME- Carpal- Tunnel- SyndromeDefinition: A condition that causes numbness and tingling in the hand and arm.5) CHRIOSPASM- Chr-- -ospasmDefinition: A sudden, involuntary muscle contraction.6) CHONDROMA- Chondr-- -omaDefinition: A benign tumor derived from cartilage.7) CHONDROMALACIA- Chondr-- -malaciaDefinition: Softening of cartilage.8) CALCANEODYNIA- Calcaneo-- -dyniaDefinition: Pain in the heel bone.9) COSTOTOMY- Costo-- -tomyDefinition: Surgical incision into a rib.10) CRANIOCELE- Cranio-- -celeDefinition: A protrusion or hernia of the brain through a defect in the skull.11) CRANIOCLEIDODYSOSTOSIS- Cranio-- -cleido-- -dysostosisDefinition: A congenital disorder characterized by abnormal development of the skull and clavicle bones.I hope this helps you with your assignment!