

Instructions: Use your Term Breakdowns Chart to break each of the following terms into their word parts and find their definitions using a medical dictionary. 1. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 2. Anesthetic 3. Anesthetist 4. Carotid Ultrasonography 5. Causalgia 6. Cerebral (Cerebral Palsy) 7. Echoencephalography 8. Hemorrhagic (Hemorrhagic Stroke 9. Hydrocephalus 10.Ischemic (Ischemic Stroke) 11.Myelitis 12.Narcolepsy 13. Parehthesia


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1. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Amyo- (no muscle), -trophic (nourishment), -lateral (side), -sclerosis (hardening). A neurological disease characterized by the degeneration of motor neurons, leading to muscle weakness and atrophy.2. Anesthetic: An- (without), -esthetic (sensation). A drug or substance that induces a state of anesthesia, causing loss of sensation or consciousness.3. Anesthetist: An- (without), -esthetic (sensation), -ist (one who specializes in). A healthcare professional who administers anesthesia to patients during medical procedures.4. Carotid Ultrasonography: Carotid (carotid artery), -ultra- (beyond), -sound (sound), -graphy (record). A diagnostic imaging test that uses high-frequency sound waves to visualize the carotid arteries and assess for blockages or narrowing.5. Causalgia: Causo- (burn), -algia (pain). A condition characterized by intense burning pain, usually in the hands or feet, often associated with nerve damage.6. Cerebral (Cerebral Palsy): Cerebr- (brain), -al (pertaining to), -palsy (paralysis). A group of neurological disorders caused by damage to the brain, resulting in impaired movement, muscle coordination, and posture.7. Echoencephalography: Echo- (echo), encephalo- (brain), -graphy (record). A diagnostic imaging test that uses sound waves to create images of the brain, often used to detect brain tumors or other abnormalities.8. Hemorrhagic (Hemorrhagic Stroke): Hemorrhag- (bleeding), -ic (pertaining to), -stroke (cerebral vascular accident). A type of stroke caused by bleeding in the brain, which can be due to a ruptured blood vessel or head injury.9. Hydrocephalus: Hydro- (water), -cephalus (head). A condition characterized by an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain, leading to increased intracranial pressure and potentially causing brain damage.10. Ischemic (Ischemic Stroke): Ischemic- (restricted blood flow), -ic (pertaining to), -stroke (cerebral vascular accident). A type of stroke caused by a blockage or narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the brain, leading to a lack of blood flow and oxygen to the affected area.11. Myelitis: Myelo- (marrow or spinal cord), -itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the spinal cord, which can cause pain, weakness, and loss of coordination.12. Narcolepsy: Narco- (narcosis or stupor), -lepsy (seizure or attack). A chronic sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden episodes of sleep, and sleep paralysis.13. Parethesia: Para- (beside or near), -esthetic (sensation), -ia (condition). A sensation of tingling, numbness, or "pins and needles" in the extremities, often due to nerve compression or damage.