Simmer Reatures That Comuses a Lion Pra Resembling Another Is Not Beneficial to Researchers, Though Biologists Trying to Monitor


simmer reatures that comuses a lion pra resembling another is not beneficial to researchers, though Biologists trying to monitor netimes joke that finding one in the wild typically is easy it's finding the same one twice that's [2] cientists at the University of Illinois and Princeton University developed a software program , which catalogs and identifies zebras. StripeSpotter translates the pattern of stripes on a identifier, similar to a bar code, that can be compared to other zebra stripe-pattern identifiers ed in a database. square (3) when a researcher uploads a still photograph of a zebra to StripeSpotter.[A] The researcher gular section of the photograph making sure to capture the stripes on the zebra's side. [B] erts that section into a stark black-and-white image composed of parallel vertical lines. The orrespond perfectly to the widths of the zebra's stripes Providing the zebra's "StripeCode: A NO CHANGE B side into an identifier, C side, into an identifier D Side into an identifier


Walter maestro · Tutor durante 5 años
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4.3 (252 Votos)


The correct answer is C. The sentence should read: "The researcher uploads a still photograph of a zebra to StripeSpotter. [A] The researcher selects the regular section of the photograph making sure to capture the stripes on the zebra's side. [B] He inputs that section into a stark black-and-white image composed of parallel vertical lines. The lines correspond perfectly to the widths of the zebra's stripes. Providing the zebra's 'StripeCode.'"