
A machine learning method where the model is trained using labeled data with the desired output.The model generalizes from the labeled data and makes accurate predictions on new data. Reinforcement learning Unsupervised learning Large language model Supervised learning

Julioprofessionell · Tutor durante 6 años

4.3 (160 votos)
## Step 1<br />The problem describes a machine learning method where the model is trained using labeled data with the desired output. The model generalizes from the labeled data and makes accurate predictions on new data. This is a description of supervised learning.<br /><br />## Step 2<br />In supervised learning, the model is trained on a labeled dataset, meaning the data the model sees during training already has the correct output. The model learns to map inputs to outputs based on this training data.<br /><br />## Step 3<br />Once trained, the model can then be given new data it hasn't seen before, and it will attempt to predict the output based on what it has learned. This is the essence of supervised learning.
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