
Chapter 6 Review ronunciation Directions: Pronounce each term that follows , then write the correct spelling and define If you are not sure of the correct spelling or definition, look up the term in a medical dictionary. 1. KAR-dee-oh -VAS-kyoo-ler 2. EN-doh -KAR-dee-um 3. al-VEE -oh-LIGH 4. digh-As-toh-lee 5. TAK-ih-K AR-dee-uh 6. ee-LEK -troh-KAR-dee -oh-gram 7. ar-TEE R-ee-oh-skler-OH-sis 8. AWS-kuh I-TAY-shun 9. SIS-toh-lee 10. AN-tee-HIGH-per-TE N-siv 11. EM-boh-lus 12. AN-jih-nuh or an-JIGH-nuh hosa EVENT PREP

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1. Cardiovascular<br />2. Endocardium<br />3. Alveoli<br />4. Diastole<br />5. Tachycardia<br />6. Electrocardiogram<br />7. Arteriosclerosis<br />8. Auscultation<br />9. Systole<br />10. Anteversion<br />11. Embolus<br />12. Anemia
## Step 1<br />The first term is "KAR-dee-oh-VAS -kyoo-ler". The correct spelling is "Cardiovascular". This term refers to the heart and blood vessels.<br /><br />## Step 2<br />The second term is "EN-doh-K AR-dee-um". The correct spelling is "Endocardium". This term refers to the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart.<br /><br />## Step 3<br />The third term is "al-VEE -oh-LIGH". The correct spelling is "Alveoli". These are tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.<br /><br />## Step 4<br />The fourth term is "digh-As-toh-lee". The correct spelling is "Diastole". This term refers to the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle relaxes and allows the chambers to fill with blood.<br /><br />## Step 5<br />The fifth term is "TAK-ih-K AR-dee-uh". The correct spelling is "Tachycardia". This term refers to a condition where the heart rate exceeds the normal resting rate.<br /><br />## Step 6<br />The sixth term is "ee-LEK -troh-KAR-dee -oh-gram". The correct spelling is "Electrocardiogram". This is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.<br /><br />## Step 7<br />The seventh term is "ar-TEER-ee -oh-skler-OH-sis". The correct spelling is "Arteriosclerosis". This term refers to the thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the walls of arteries.<br /><br />## Step 8<br />The eighth term is "AWS-kuhl-TAY-shun". The correct spelling is "Auscultation". This term refers to the act of listening to the internal sounds of an animal or human body, usually using a stethoscope.<br /><br />## Step 9<br />The ninth term is "SIS-toh-lee". The correct spelling is "Systole". This term refers to the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries.<br /><br />## Step 10<br />The tenth term is "AN-tee-HIG H-per-TEN-siv". The correct spelling is "Anteversion". This term refers to the forward tilting of an organ or part.<br /><br />## Step 11<br />The eleventh term is "EM-boh-lus". The correct spelling is "Embolus to a blood clot that has traveled from the site of its formation to another location in the body.<br /><br />## Step 12<br />The twelfth term is "AN-jih-nuh or an-JIGH-nuh". The correct spelling is "Anemia". This term refers to a condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.
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