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Task 6. Choose the correct option. 1. The plastic material currently is /is being heated to its optimal temperature in the injection molding machine. 2. It is then forced 1 conveyed into a closed mold that defines the shape of the article to produce to be produced. 3. There the material is cooled / heated until it reverts to a solid / liquid. 4. Then the mold is opened / openes and the finished part is cooled / extracted.


Task 6. Choose the correct option.
1. The plastic material currently is /is being heated to its optimal temperature in the
injection molding machine.
2. It is then forced 1 conveyed into a closed mold that defines the shape of the
article to produce to be produced.
3. There the material is cooled / heated until it reverts to a solid / liquid.
4. Then the mold is opened / openes and the finished part is cooled / extracted.

Task 6. Choose the correct option. 1. The plastic material currently is /is being heated to its optimal temperature in the injection molding machine. 2. It is then forced 1 conveyed into a closed mold that defines the shape of the article to produce to be produced. 3. There the material is cooled / heated until it reverts to a solid / liquid. 4. Then the mold is opened / openes and the finished part is cooled / extracted.


Giselamaestro · Tutor durante 5 años
expert verifiedVerificación de expertos
4.4 (256 votos)


La opción correcta es:<br /><br />2. Se le impone / se le conduce a través de una moldura cerrada que define la forma del artículo a producir.<br /><br />Explicación: En el proceso de inyección de plásticos, el material es calentado a su temperatura óptima en la máquina de inyección. Luego, se le impone a través de una moldura cerrada que define la forma del artículo a producir. Una vez que el material ha tomado la forma deseada, se enfría hasta que se solidifica. Finalmente, la moldura se abre y el artículo terminado se enfría o se extrae.
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