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Alejandroexperto · Tutor durante 3 años
expert verifiedVerificación de expertos
4.7 (186 votos)


<div class="athena_tag_tk_ques_text_content" data-testid="answer_box_text"><p>Respuesta:</p><p>1. my address is not 1776 washington Avenue</p><p> is my address 1776 washington Avenue?</p><p></p><p>2. your telephone number is not 234-6666</p><p>is your telephone numbres 234-6666?</p><p></p><p>3. his apartment is not number twelve A (12-A)</p><p> is his apartment number twelve A (12-A)?</p><p></p><p>4. her pencil is not in the handbag</p><p>is her pencil in the handbag?</p><p></p><p>5. our classroom is not numbre thirteen</p><p>is our classroom number thirteen?</p><p></p><p>6. this is not my car </p><p>is this my car?</p><p></p><p>7. that is not our classmate</p><p>is that our classmate?</p><p></p><p>8. henry is not in his room</p><p>is henry in his room?</p><p>Explicación:</p><p></p></div>
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