
Choose the number of lone pairs or atoms to complete each description below A molecule that has a Irigonal-planar shape has square lone pair(s) A molecule that has a bent shape and a trigonal-planar electron domain shape has square lone pair(s) A molecule that has a trigonal-pyramidal shape has square atom(s) and square lone pair(s) around the central atom

Franciscamaestro · Tutor durante 5 años

4.3 (340 votos)
1. 0<br />2. 1<br />3. 1, 1
1. A molecule with a trigonal-planar shape has no lone pairs. This is because the three atoms surrounding the central atom are evenly distributed around the central atom, forming a flat, triangular shape.<br />2. A molecule with a bent shape and a trigonal-planar electron domain shape has one lone pair. The presence of the lone pair causes the molecule to have a bent shape, while the electron domain shape remains trigonal-planar.<br />3. A molecule with a trigonal-pyramidal shape has one atom and one lone pair around the central atom. The lone pair causes the molecule to have a pyramidal shape, with the three atoms forming the base of the pyramid and the lone pair forming the apex.
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