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11. DIRECTIONS: Read an interview to a woman about her job. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets and the correct forms of have to (affirmative, negative, interrogative) in present or past simple. Interviewer: 1_________(you/work) at night? Claire: Yes, I 2_________ (work) night shifts once every three weeks. Interviewer: 3_________ (you/work) long hours? Claire: No, I 4____________(not work) long hours, but I can do paid overtime if I want. Interviewer: Before you started to work for this company, 5________ (you/do) on-the-job training? Claire: Yes, and I 6_______ (study) a lot too. Interviewer: What is the most difficult part of your job? Claire: Well, I usually 7_______ (get up) very early and every three weeks I 8_______ (work) nights. In my previous job, a few years ago, I 9 _________(not work) night shifts and I 10 ___________(not get up) so early.


11. DIRECTIONS: Read an interview to a woman about her job. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets and the correct forms of have to (affirmative, negative, interrogative) in present or past simple. Interviewer: 1_________(you/work) at night? Claire: Yes, I 2_________ (work) night shifts once every three weeks. Interviewer: 3_________ (you/work) long hours? Claire: No, I 4____________(not work) long hours, but I can do paid overtime if I want. Interviewer: Before you started to work for this company, 5________ (you/do) on-the-job training? Claire: Yes, and I 6_______ (study) a lot too. Interviewer: What is the most difficult part of your job? Claire: Well, I usually 7_______ (get up) very early and every three weeks I 8_______ (work) nights. In my previous job, a few years ago, I 9 _________(not work) night shifts and I 10 ___________(not get up) so early.


Carolmaestro · Tutor durante 5 años
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【 Consejos 】 Para completar esta actividad debes tener claro el uso de los verbos en presente simple, pasado simple y de la estructura "have to" para expresar obligación. Recuerda que los verbos en presente simple siguen la estructura Sujeto + verbo + complemento, y en pasado simple la estructura es Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento. "Have to" se usa en forma afirmativa para expresar obligación personal, en forma negativa se usa "Don't have to" y en forma interrogativa "Do you have to". Asegúrate de seguir estas reglas para llenar los espacios con la forma correcta.<br><br>【Descripción】 <br>De acuerdo a las reglas dadas antes, el proceso para llenar los espacios en blanco sería de la siguiente forma: <br><br>Interviewer: 1. Do you work (do/work) at night? <br>Claire: Yes, I 2. have to work (work) night shifts once every three weeks. <br>Interviewer: 3. Do you work (do/work) long hours? <br>Claire: No, I 4. don't have to work (not work) long hours, but I can do paid overtime if I want. <br>Interviewer: Before you started to work for this company, 5. did you have to do (you/do) on-the-job training? <br>Claire: Yes, and I 6. had to study (study) a lot too. <br>Interviewer: What is the most difficult part of your job? <br>Claire: Well, I usually 7. have to get up (get up) very early and every three weeks I 8. have to work (work) nights. In my previous job, a few years ago, I 9. didn't have to work (not work) night shifts and I 10. didn't have to get up (not get up) so early.<br><br>El contenido final de la respuesta es que la mujer, Claire, expresa que tiene que trabajar turnos nocturnos una vez cada tres semanas y no tiene que trabajar largas horas a menos que decida hacer horas extras pagas. Antes de comenzar a trabajar para su actual empresa, tuvo que realizar una formación en el trabajo y tuvo que estudiar mucho. La parte más difícil de su trabajo es que suele tener que levantarse muy temprano y trabajar turnos nocturnos cada tres semanas, lo cual no era requerido en su trabajo previo.
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