Clases AP Ayuda con las tareas
No se puede negar que los exámenes de colocación avanzada pueden ser desalentadores para los estudiantes de secundaria, y con tanto en juego en tus resultados, ¡no es de extrañar! Es por esta misma razón que muchos estudiantes optan por buscar la ayuda de un ayudante con las tareas AP. Es posible que usted mismo haya considerado esta opción pero no esté seguro de dónde encontrar ayuda. Si ese es el caso, no temas: ¡QuestionAI está aquí!
- Read this passage from a speech given by Mar Luther King about the bus boycott, and then answer the question. According to Dr. King what is the "glory of America"? The right to be free The right to a democracy The right to protesh
- A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things Choose the sentence from this excerpt that is an example of the figurative language simile. Eventually, we come to see these spheres as fictitious. If Shakespeare keeps talking about the spheres, does that peg him as old school? Who knows , right? In "Hamlet," one of the characters says "Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres," as in , I was so shocked at seeing the ghost that my eyes jumped out of my head, just like a star might be pushed out of its sphere. That alludes to the medieval cosmology, but that doesn't mean that Shakespeare believed it.You see how tricky this is?
- All of the following statements are from the selection. Which one best expresses the selection's central idea? A Maybe it was just one of a dozen things that he thought A were topical and noteworthy at that time. B observed by Tycho Brahe in Denmark but also observed There is a supernova that lights up the night sky in 1572, B in England. C 7 developments happening in astronomy during his day In it, he argues that the Bard was mindful of the and, in fact, used them as fodder in his plays. D support of the Copernican system in 1576. Thomas Digges in England publishes an almanac in
- Read this short biography.of Rosa Parks. Why did Parks refuse to give up her seat on the bus? She was tired of being treated as a second- class citizen. She did not think it was a big deal that she was sitting in the front. She only had one more stop before she was home.
- 1)) After his fight with the BUS President Jackson thought that other banks were printing so much paper money that it was going to become worthless. He could not control what the banks did , but he could stop the government from accepting paper money. So he made a rule that Americans could only purchase land from the government with gold and silver coins. 1) (A_(A) To describe what happened after Jackson's order, click to correct any errors in the text. 1)) (8A) People who wanted to buy land from the government now needed gold and silver to buy it with. So, they took their paper money to banks to exchange it for gold and silver coins. But as more people tried to buy land, banks had less gold and silver left So, the banks would be less prepared for an emergency in which they needed gold and silver.