Ayuda con la tarea de biología
La parte más complicada de aprender biología es cómo hacer que los estudiantes comprendan el mundo microscópico de la biología, cómo entrar en las células y explorar genes y moléculas. Sin embargo, con el desarrollo de la tecnología de la información, la ayuda con la tarea de biología puede desempeñar un papel importante cuando ni las palabras ni las imágenes pueden explicar completamente los puntos de biología.
QuestionAI es un software de aprendizaje de biología en línea que le ayuda a aprender y dominar el conocimiento de la biología, incluida una variedad de experimentos y ejercicios correspondientes, que es fundamentalmente diferente del ayudante común de preguntas de biología. Aquí, puede simular experimentos para reproducir los escenarios experimentales, de superficial a profundo, capa por capa, para aprender y comprender los puntos de conocimiento.
- Question 1 (1 point) Epiphysis is part of a muscle in the arm. True False
- any force that affects the size of a population of living things regardless of the density of the population Secondary Succession Density -Independent Primary Succession Density -Dependent
- ACROSS 1. The part of abocteria cell that is used to make recombinant Diu. 2. Bacteria are commonly used to produce humon humbecause they reproduce quickly by __ reproduction. 3. The use of blological inowledge and technology to develop new lechniques, motoros and compoundi. 5. Allow for the production of many replicated DNA. frogments of a chosen organim. 7. What lob techniclonsuse to create a DRA fingerprint. 9. Biotechnology bused In the medical fleid to manufacture many lypes of __ 10. The production of on ide al organism through genetic endineering 12. Amethod of Identification frof uses a pencil DNA. 13. DNA fingerpining h commonly used in this bronch of sclence. 15. Hair samples and __ lound at a cime scene may be used to create a DHA fingerprint 16. Biolechnology has been used hogiculure to enoineer __ to be resistant to drought insech. peificides, and more. producing bocteria are on example of aln] __ organim because they contoin genes from more than one organim DOWN 1. An application of DNA fingerprinting. 4. The use of knowledge and technology to ofter genes. 6. Engymes that are specialized Incutting specific frogments of DNA. the combination of genes from different organims. 11. Biotechnology is commonly used in the fields of medicine, phomosedicak Indulty, and __ plants. animals, and other organism with destroble __ or technology moy be choroclerifici.
- Coral acidification refers to the pH of the water dropping & becoming more acidic. The acid eats away at the calcium carbonate reef, slowly destroying it. True False
- Coral's can die after a Coral Bleaching Event due to starving 8 disease too much light not enough light animal predation