Ayuda con la tarea de biología
La parte más complicada de aprender biología es cómo hacer que los estudiantes comprendan el mundo microscópico de la biología, cómo entrar en las células y explorar genes y moléculas. Sin embargo, con el desarrollo de la tecnología de la información, la ayuda con la tarea de biología puede desempeñar un papel importante cuando ni las palabras ni las imágenes pueden explicar completamente los puntos de biología.
QuestionAI es un software de aprendizaje de biología en línea que le ayuda a aprender y dominar el conocimiento de la biología, incluida una variedad de experimentos y ejercicios correspondientes, que es fundamentalmente diferente del ayudante común de preguntas de biología. Aquí, puede simular experimentos para reproducir los escenarios experimentales, de superficial a profundo, capa por capa, para aprender y comprender los puntos de conocimiento.
- NAME 9. How do analogous structures differ from homologous structuros? a. They have a common evolutionary origin b. They aro Identical in structure across species C. They are only found in extinct species d. They perform similar functions but do not share a common ancestor 9. What do vestiglal structures tell us about the evolutionary history of a species? a. They indicato that the species is ovolving rapidly b. They show that certain features were once functional In ancestors C. They provide no useful information about evolution d. They are uniquo to humans and their ancestors 10. What ovidence for evolution is provided by comparativo embryology? a. Similarities in embryonic development across species b. Differences in adult forms of species C. The study of fossils alone d. The study of adult behaviors in different species 11. What do scientists compare in molecular blology to understand evolutionary relationships? a. Bone structures b. Fossil rooords C. Genetic sequences d. Behavioral 12. Which species shares about 98-99% of its DNA with humans? a. Dogs b. Chimpanzoos C.Elephants d.Frogs 13. What does the similarity in genetic sequences botwoen species Indicate? a. No evolutionary relationship b. A distant common ancestor C. No common ancestry at all d. A recent common ancestor 14. What is a real-time example of natural selection in action? a. The extinction of dinosaurs b. The domestication of dogs C. The growth of plants lowards light d. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria
- EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Mumple Cholce Questiono 1. What is the primary focus of the theory of evolution? The origin of the Earth The change in populations of specles over time The bohavior of animals in tho wild d. The creation of now planets 2. What does the theory of evolution suggest about all living spocies? a. They aro unrelated b. They evolved Independently with no common origin c. They were created simultaneously d. They have descended from common ancestor 3. Which process is considered the primary mechanism of evolution? a. Artificial selection b. Genotic drift c. Natural selection d. Adaptive radiation 4. Why are transitional fossils important in the study of evolution? a. They are the oldest fossils ever found b. They show traits common to both ancestral and descendant groups c. They are found in all geographical regions d. They were created artificially by scientists 5. What is the significance of the Tiktaalik fossil? a. It shows characteristics of both fish and totrapod b. It is the first known fossil of a dinosaur c. It is the earliest form of life d. It was discoverod on a mountaintop 6. Which field of study examines the distribution of species across different geographical areas? a. Paleontology b.Geology c. Biogeography d.Ecology 7. How did the finches on the Galápagos Islands evolvo distinct beak shapes and sizos? a. Through random genetic mutations b. Due to human intervention c. By adapting to specific food sources on their respective islands d. By migrating to different continents 8. What do homologous structures in different species suggest? a. Common ancestry b. Independent evolution c. No evolutionary relationship d. Immediate creation by an external force 12. 13. 14.n
- Many scientists have believed that giraffes are solitary creatures preferring to spend their time alone instead of with others. But observations of giraffes and their behavior in recent years has suggested that these animals may be more social than we once thought.For example, scientists Zoe Muller and Stephen Harris claim that giraffes may even help each other care for one another's newborns. Which finding, if true would most directly support Muller and Harris's conclusion? Choose 1 answer: A Giraffes are able to make sounds but are rarely observed communicating with others. B Some female giraffes have been observed sniffing and licking their newborn offspring C Confrontations between a younger and an older male giraffe are frequently observed. D Female giraffes have been observed feeding young giraffes that aren't their direct offspring
- TEXTUAL EVIDENCE: EXAMPLE Jan Gimsa, Robert Sleigh and Ulrike Gimsa have hypothesized that the sail. like structure running down the back of the dinosaur Spinosaurus aegyptiacus improved the animal's success in underwater pursuits of prey species capable of making quick, evasive movements. To evaluate their hypothesis, a second team of researchers constructed two battery-powered mechanical models of S. aegyptiacus, one with a sail and one without, and subjected the models to a series of identical tests in a water-filled tank. Which finding from the model tests, if true would most strongly support Gimsa and colleagues' hypothesis? Choose 1 answer: A The model with a sail took significantly longer to travel a specified distance while submerged than the model without a sail did. B The model with a sail displaced significantly more water while submerged than the model without a sail did. C The model with a sail had significantly less battery power remaining after completing the tests than the model without a sail did. D The model with a sail took significantly less time to complete a sharp turn while submenged than the model without a.suitdid
- What two systems are interacting in this scenario? These two systems work together to pick up and filter nitrogenous waste (urea) from the body. excretory and immune circulatory and excretory circulatory and endocrine integumentary and immune