Ayuda para la tarea empresarial
Escribir una tarea comercial estándar nunca es una tarea fácil para la mayoría de los jóvenes. Requiere una buena comprensión del tema de la tarea, el tipo de negocio y la dirección; además de desarrollar el esquema perfecto y el marco de contenido para la tarea y ponerse manos a la obra de escribir el cuerpo del texto, así como corregir el texto en una etapa posterior.
Por lo tanto, a menudo buscan ayudantes profesionales para sus tareas para obtener buenas ideas. Ya sea escribiendo algunas instrucciones a la IA para obtener el marco del artículo o pidiéndole ayuda para obtener temas atractivos. Puede elegirnos para desarrollar soluciones de calidad inigualable al instante.
- A popular musical act announces a concert at a 10,000 seat venue Prices for tickets skyrocket so the venue announces that there will be 500 standing room only tickets offered . What concept does this demonstrate? change in quantity supplied elastic supply inelastic supply change in supply
- Identify the correct determinant of supply: Example: If the cost of electricity used to power an automotive factories falls, the supply of cars in the market increases Change in expectations Number of sellers 3 Cost of production/resources Change in technology
- Question 2 (10 points) C. A new car that cost 23,000 is worth 16,100 a year later. What was the rate of depreciation for the one year? a 31% b 30% 28% d 32%
- Question 1 Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 P's of a marketing mix? Price People Promotion Possibilities Place Question 2 What is the purpose of a marketing mix? To list the prices of your products To detail how you will sell your product To provide an outline for how you will address your marketing goals To understand your target market and its wants and needs
- Question 5 (2 points) The letters S.M.A.R.T are an acronym for goal setting.They stand for: specific, measurable achievable, realistic , timebound simple, meaningful , authentic, reliable targeted simple, measurable , authentic, realistic , targeted specific, meaningful , achievable, reliable , timebound