Ayuda con la tarea de química
El solucionador de problemas de química de QuetionAI es una herramienta de tutoría de química para escuelas secundarias que puede resumir reacciones y ecuaciones químicas clave para los usuarios en tiempo real y tiene un potente sistema de aprendizaje para que incluso los estudiantes con una base débil puedan dominar la química fácilmente..
Ya no tendrás que preocuparte por las propiedades elementales de la tabla periódica. Aquí podrás acceder fácilmente a las reacciones químicas y principios de reacción correspondientes a cada elemento. Deducir la estructura original de moléculas y átomos a partir de los fenómenos macroscópicos que se pueden observar es una técnica de investigación química que siempre hemos defendido.
- Select the correct answer. Which is the formula for magnesium nitride? A. Mg_(3)N_(2) B. MgN C. MgN_(2) D. Mg_(3)N E. MgN_(3)
- Which equation demonstrates that nuclear fusion forms elements that are heavier than helium? (}_{1)^2H+_(1)^3Harrow _(2)^4He+_(0)^1n (}_{8)^16O+_(2)^4Hearrow _(10)^20Ne (}_{92)^235U+_(0)^1narrow _(53)^131I+_(39)^89Y+16_(0)^1n (}_{92)^235U+_(0)^1narrow _(42)^95Mo+_(57)^139La+2_(0)^1n+7_(-1)^0e
- Select the correct answer. What does the electron sea model for metals suggest? A. valence electrons drift freely around the metal anions B. valence electrons are anchored to specific metal cations C. valence electrons drift freely around the metal cations D. electrons idle around the metal cations E. valence electrons are anchored to specific metal anions
- Which statement is true about this reaction? (}_{7)^14N+_(1)^1Harrow _(8)^15O It is a practical source of energy on Earth. II occurs only outside the solar system. Its product is heavier than each of its reactants. It shows the critical mass of an element.
- Select the correct answer. What do the atoms of a metal look like when they are in a body-centered cubic arrangement? A. a cube with a ball stuck on each of its eight corners and one suspended at the center of each of its six faces B. a cube with a ball stuck on each of its eight corners and one suspended at its center C. two hexagonal layers with a ball stuck on each of the six corners and one suspended at its center D. two triangular layers with a ball stuck on each of the three corners E. two hexagonal layers with a ball stuck on each of the six corners and one suspended at its center separated by a triangular layer with a ball stuck on each of its three corners