Ayuda con la tarea de geografía
Geography Helper es un software que proporciona ayuda con contenido de geografía con respuestas perfectas a preguntas de geografía para respaldar el aprendizaje en línea en cualquier momento. Además, tiene información completa sobre geografía mundial para ayudarlo a completar fácilmente las tareas de geografía relacionadas. Todos los puntos de conocimiento se pueden dominar fácilmente y, en última instancia, mejorar su rendimiento académico.
Puede satisfacer cualquier necesidad de la mayoría de los estudiantes, sin importar si eres un estudiante de secundaria o de secundaria, puedes aprender en línea sin restricciones. Esta herramienta cubre una amplia gama de puntos de conocimiento de geografía y hace que la revisión en línea sea maravillosa. ¡No te lo pierdas si quieres mejorar tus notas de geografía!
- 1. Which of the following is the correct order from oldest to most recent in the geological time scale? a) Mesozoic, Paleozoic Cenozoic b) Cenozoic, Mesozoic , Paleozoic c) Paleozoic, Mesozoic,Cenozoic d) Mesozoic, Cenozoic Paleozoic. What is the primary characteristic that defines the boundaries between different eons eras, and periods in the geological time scale? a) Climate changes (b) Mass extinctions and the appearance of new life forms c) Changes in Earth's magnetic field d) The shifting of tectonic plates a) The formation of Pangaea b) The extinction of the dinosaurs c) The appearance of the first mammals d) The first appearance of plants Which period is known for the first appearance of birds? a) Jurassic (b) Cambrian c) Silurian d) Devonian In which era did the first complex life forms, including plants and animals, appear? (a) Paleozoic Era b) Mesozoic Era c) Cenozoic Era d) Proterozoic Era
- What percentage of excess CO_(2) do oceans absorb? 50% 10% 25%
- Mark for Review Which of the following would be considered an advantage of increased urban sprawl? A As individuals move out of urban areas to nearby suburbs, the population (A) densities of cities will decrease, reducing the spread of infectious disease. B As new homes are built in suburban areas the cost of materials will decrease. reducing the need to clear-cut old-growth forests. C As urban sprawl increases the availability of land for farming and wildlife habitats will decrease, increasing the loss of biodiversity. D As more individuals live in suburbs and work in cities, transportation methods (D) will change, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted.
- Which of the following is NOT a major ocean? Mediterranean Pacific Atlantic
- Which of the following would be considered an advantage of increased urban spraw? A As individuals move out of urban areas to nearby suburbs, the population a densities of cities will decrease, reducing the spread of infectious disease. B As new homes are built in suburban areas the cost of materials will decrease. reducing the need to clear-cut old-growth forests C As urban sprawl increases the availability of land for farming and wildlife habitats will decrease, increasing the loss of biodiversity. D As more individuals live in suburbs and work in cities, transportation methods will change, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted Mark for Review