Ayuda para la tarea de salud pública
La ayuda para tareas de salud pública es una herramienta de aprendizaje sobre salud pública diseñada para ayudar a estudiantes y profesionales a completar mejor las tareas relacionadas con la salud pública. El programa proporciona una gran cantidad de recursos de aprendizaje sobre salud pública, incluidos materiales del curso, trabajos de investigación, tutoriales en vídeo, etc., para ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender mejor diversos aspectos de la salud pública.
Además, la plataforma proporciona una variedad de utilidades como calculadoras, consultas de bases de datos, análisis de mapas, etc. para ayudar a los estudiantes a completar sus tareas de manera más eficiente. El asistente de tarea de salud pública también proporciona una comunidad de comunicación en línea donde los estudiantes pueden compartir experiencias y recursos con otros profesionales de la salud pública para mejorar la conciencia y la competencia en salud pública.
- 52. At checkout, the CMAA is abstracting info from the encounter form Which of the following pieces of information is found on the patients encounter form and the CMS-1500 a. patient status b. insurance carriers phone number c. diagnosis code d. employment status 53. A patient who was recently laid off calls the office to discuss payment options. Which is an appropriate option? a. contractual adjustment b. professional courtesy payment c. hardship payments and plan d. bad debt adjustment 54. A patient wants to review his/her medical records. The CMAA should a. open the office before business hours b. reserve a designated area c. arrange for the provider to be present for the review d. schedule 15 minutes for the review 55. Which is an example of a third party payee? a. workers comp b. stated beneficiary c. listed guarantees d. treated patient 56. When reviewing incoming calls, the practice of underlining significant words and phrases during sorting is a. annotating b. releasing c. conditioning d. indexing 57. When a new patient has difficulty completing the patient registration form.The CMAA should take which of the following steps to ensure the documentation is completed correctly? a. cross out the patients responses and transcribe the response in pencil to make it legible. b. present incomplete forms to the provider for reviews c. send another set of forms home for a family member to complete and reschedule the patient's appointment. d. offer to sit with the patient and read the forms to him 58. Which of the following is outside a medical administrative assistant's scope of practice? a. reporting a compliance violation to the auditor b. posting the compliance policies and procedure of the organization c. developing necessary changes as the result of a compliance audit d. serving on a committee to ensure compliance
- 19. When does scalp massage usually begin? before the shampoo during the conditioning service after the conditioning service during the shampoo
- 39. The first step in helping a patient to remember a follow up appointment is: a. call patient as a reminder b. mail a reminder letter c. have patient confirm appointment d. hand a reminder card 40. A patient does not want to fill out all of the new patient information. The CMAA should a. have patient complete forms later b. escort [patient to private area c. notify office manager d. tell patient information will be kept confidential 41. What needs to be considered when updating a providers Medicare fee schedule a. utilization review b. insurance payments c. usual customary and reasonable d. resource-based relative value scale 42. Which of the following is most likely to be addressed in an insurance audit? a. providers contract with insurance company b. context in documentation c. complexity of decision making for evaluation and management d. amount of usual customary and reasonable 43. Which is a reason for resubmitting a rejected claim? a. invalid ID # b. beyond timing filing period c. coverage not in record d. no covered benefit 44. Which of the following pieces of mail should receive the highest priority? a. medical journals b. correspondence c. insurance referrals d. invoices 45-49 - None 50. What does a CMAA must do in order to keep their certification current? Submit CEU's continuing education 51. Which of the following should a CMAA address first? a. a patient who is scheduled for lab testing b. a patient who arrives at a clinic and is short of breath c. a patient who is picking up a report for an emergency consultation d. a patient who is in a hurry and demanding to check out
- 17. What are the two basic requirements for a healthy scalp? cleanliness and heat cleanliness and stimulation stimulation and relaxation heat and relaxation
- Which of the following is NOT a graduated sanction step? Intermediate service Immediate intervention Aftercare Community confinement