Ayuda para la tarea de salud pública
La ayuda para tareas de salud pública es una herramienta de aprendizaje sobre salud pública diseñada para ayudar a estudiantes y profesionales a completar mejor las tareas relacionadas con la salud pública. El programa proporciona una gran cantidad de recursos de aprendizaje sobre salud pública, incluidos materiales del curso, trabajos de investigación, tutoriales en vídeo, etc., para ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender mejor diversos aspectos de la salud pública.
Además, la plataforma proporciona una variedad de utilidades como calculadoras, consultas de bases de datos, análisis de mapas, etc. para ayudar a los estudiantes a completar sus tareas de manera más eficiente. El asistente de tarea de salud pública también proporciona una comunidad de comunicación en línea donde los estudiantes pueden compartir experiencias y recursos con otros profesionales de la salud pública para mejorar la conciencia y la competencia en salud pública.
- Understanding Key Concepts After reading the question or statement, select the correct answer. 28. It is illegal for adults to drive when they have what BAC level? a. 0.01 b. 0.02 c. 0.05 d. 0.08 29. Which is not likely to occur if a person is caught drinking and driving? a. A field sobriety test will be conducted. b. The person loses driving privileges. c. The person loses insurance coverage. d. There will be no penalty. 30. A baby born with FAS may have which of the following? a. Anxiety b. Facial deformities c. Kidney problems d. All of the above 31. Which of the following is not part of the stages of alcoholism? a. Becoming intoxicated regularly b. Going through detoxification c. Moking excuses for alcohol-related problems d. Alcohol taking control of the drinker's life
- LESSON 3 Vocabulary Review Choose the correct term in the sentences below. 25. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)/Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a condition that babies can be born with if a female drinks while pregnant. 26. The amount of alcohol in a person's blood that is expressed as a percentage is blood alcohol concentration/etal alcoholsyndrome. 27. An addict who is dependent on alcohol is in/an sobriety/alcoholic.
- Diceetions: Read the scenarion below and answer the questions that follow. Kayla's baby girl was born, the had a large, Quick-filled head. The docuse said the would need surgery imme. have? so that she would not suffer with seizures and menual retardation. What condition did Kayta's baby girl __ to have __ rigidity, and a shutting gait. What disease do they have? __ does it help? what drag classification does this __ 3. Charlie Thomas is a 58-year-old gentleman who is softering from progressive dementia. He is often confused, and does not recognize his family members. Charlie thinks he is 38 years old. What condition does Charlie probably have? __ Charlie often becomes agitated.and the doctor has ordered Butisol for him.How will this medication help Charlie? __ 4.Andrea had the cord wrapped around ber neck when she was born ,and she was deprived of oxygen. Later the doc for told her mother she had soffered brain damage. What condition did Andrea have? __ Billy was born with a condition in which the veriebra was not complete, but he did not have any contavant protrusion at the spine. What condition did Billy have? __ Due to this condition.Billy suffered from paraplegia.Explain what this condition is. What piece of medical equity ment would Billy need to be mobile? __ 6. Alamous baseball player died from this condition, which has progressive mosscolar weakness and atrophy due t degeneration of motor neurons. __ 1. This disease includes acute enceptsalopathy and damage to vacious body organm. It is why pedianciars recom that parents not give aspirin to children under the age of 15 years old. __
- Indagar "El método científico investigación en la disciplina Método predictivo de la midwifery"realizar un mapa conceptual de dicha investigación, a tres tintas, con nombre y firma
- Activity 85 What Is Wrong with My Nervous System? Shocks All of the problem below are related to the norvous system. Read each scenario, and then.using yo of the anatomy of the location where the problem is occurring. Enample: A plpe fell on Kyle's head and knocked him unconscious..When he woke up.he could not hear the music from his iPod. Where is the problem? remporal lobe 1. Jesulea got hit in the back of the head at a baseball game. About an hour after it happened, she suddenly lost her vision.Where is the problem? __ 2. Erica is dyeing Easter eggs, and cannot smell the vinegar in the dye. Where is the problem? __ 3. As Tyrone begins to answer a question.the class notices that his speech is slurred.Where is the problem? __ 4. Jacob gets hit on the head with a basketball, and then cannot run the court without stumbling. Where is the probler __ Haley has a car accident and hits her head on the steering wheel. In the next couple of weeks, her teachers and classmates notice that her personality has changed and she has become violent She yells at teachers and thro things in class. Where is the problem? __ 6.Travis got hit on the head during a wrestling match, and now he cannot stand anything touching his skin, his clothes. He states that this causes pain.Where is the problem? __ 7.Brianna cannot stay awake in class, and her skin is very hot to touch. She also is hungry when she is a __ Courtney is sitting in class, and complains of a headache. All of a sudden, she stops breathing, and __ 9.Michaela's baby boy was born with a very large head, and the doctor diagnosed him with hydro __ 10. Nicole was fine when she went to bed, but when she woke up the next morning, the right sid and the right side of her mouth drooped.. Where is to Medical Terminolo