Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- What verb is the first verb in a perfect tense construction? haber ser estar tener
- D questions as you read the short story by Ursula K. Leguin. "He was a good husband, a good father.I don't understand it. I don't believe in it. I don't believe that it happened. I saw it happen but it isn't true. It can't be. He was always gentle. If you'd have seen him playing with the children, anybody who saw him with the children would have known that there wasn't any bad in him, not one mean bone." What does the author do in these first few sentences to create suspense? What do you think might happen based on this opening? Read first paragraph "I couldn't ever have got through this bad time without my sis .
- Read the excerpt from "How the Grimm Brothers Saved the Fairy Tale." Though it is impossible to clarify fully why certain tales were deleted or placed in footnotes in later editions, we do know that "Death and the Goose Boy'was omitted because of its baroque literary features; "The Strange Feast," because of its close resemblance to "Godfather Death", "The Stepmother," because of its fragmentary nature and cruelty; and "The Faithful Animals,"because it came from the Siddhi-Kür, a collection of Mongolian tales. From the first edition in 1812/1815 to the final one in 1857, the Grimms received numerous versions of tales already in their collection and new tales from strangers, friends, and colleagues , and they often decided to replace one tale with another version , to delete some of the tales, or to include variants in their footnotes. For what purpose does the author mention the names of various Grimm works in this excerpt? Select three answers. D The author mentions the Grimm's tales to identify some that were omitted or placed in footnotes. The author mentions which of the Grimm's tales are not suitable for children. The author identifies the new tales the Grimms received from their colleagues friends, and strangers. The author mentions the tales to unfold a series of details to support the main idea of the excerpt. D The author uses the tales' content explanations to serve as the reason for omission.
- students interested in school. School to Work Programs by Lorelei Faye 1 Several years ago,faculty at Roosevelt High in Portland, Oregon recognized that many of their students went directly from high school to low- paying, dead-end jobs. No wonder the school's dropout rate was 13 percent. Kids didn't see a reason to stay in school. 2 Determined to make school more relevant to the workplace, the faculty developed "Roosevelt Renaissance 2000." In their freshman year, students explore six career pathways:natural resources, manufacturing and engineering, human services. health occupations, business and management and arts and communications. The following year, each student chooses one of the pathways and examines it in depth. The ninth and tenth graders also participate in job shadow experiences, spending three hours a semester watching someone on the job. 3 During their junior and senior years, Roosevelt students participate in internships that put them in the workplace for longer periods of time. Inter are available at a newspaper, a hospital, an Which of the following presents key ideas included in this text? School to work programs do not affect dropout rates. School to work programs are positive for business. School to work programs prepare students for the future. School to work programs only work in larger communities. School to work programs have limited success.
- 4 How should this sentence be changed to make the subject and verb agree? As a result of The Jungle and other exposure the U.S.government were forced to institute regulations conce A. Change result to results B . Change were to was C. Change institute to institutes D.No change needs to be made to this entence