Ayuda para tareas médicas
¿No sería fantástico si existiera información clínica electrónica y herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones que pudieran ayudar a los médicos a encontrar la información que necesitan rápidamente, reduciendo en gran medida la cantidad de errores quirúrgicos y de medicación causados por una mala toma de decisiones por parte de los médicos? Actualmente, existen muchas aplicaciones de asistencia médica en el mercado para ayudarlo, y questionai es la elección natural debido a sus avanzados modelos y algoritmos de inteligencia artificial.
Este asistente médico es una información médica profesional y una aplicación de "toma de decisiones" clínica orientada a herramientas. El objetivo es reducir los errores de medicación de los médicos y posicionar la atención primaria. Proporciona dos servicios principales: experiencia e información médica general, y herramientas de evaluación y conversión basadas en farmacias para médicos y organizaciones de atención primaria.
- Adolescents who __ report higher rates of physical abuse, sexual abuse or other violent traumas. C drink occasionally C are alcoholics C wait to drink until they are 21
- You are working in the kitchen of a fast food restaurant when you suddenly realize a robbery is in progress. Which one of the coping strategies listed below is most appropriate for this situation? Start screaming and yelling to scare off the robber. Tackle le the robber. Call 911.
- Which of the choices below is least likely to be a warning sign of potential violence? Your co-worker is late to work one or two days each week. Your co-worker comes back from lunch drunk. Your co-worker treats customers rudely, even using abusive language
- Text 1 Rychologists have long been intrigued by the ablity of humans to multitask despite having limited arteritional resources. According to traditional theories, people should struggle to perform multiple class imultances, Acoording to traditional theories, people should mutititating successfully Phychologists' numerous attempts to answer this question eit havert provided a clear reason. Text 2 Pychologists Stohan Writter and her team have linked multitasking success to individuals' cognitive fivestive. Because people have varying cognitive ablities, they differ in their capacity to switch between class ttachers capacity and, furthermore, vary in their ablity to manage attentional resources. If follows that people with higher cognitive fivestity are able to mutitask more successfuty. As a result, Whittler's team claims, direct comparisons of multitasking ablities among individuals are less meaningtul than previously believed. Based on the texts, how would Whitler and her team finct 2 most iliey respond to the "traditional theories" discussed in Rent 1 ? A By maintaining that they are based on a misunderstanding about individual's ability to manage attentionat resources B By arguing that their own-tochnology that external factors play a significant role in multitasking success C By assessing that their own research helps explain how indiviaus can improve their multitasking ablities through cognitive training D By proposing that more psychologists concentrate their research on how multitasking success is influenced by individual differences in attentional capacity
- If you are going to steal out of your house which best describes your moven A. You will run out the door as fast as you can so as not to be late B. You will whistle a cheerful tune and wave goodbye as you leave. C. You will slam the front door behind you and march down the street. D. You will tiptoe quietly down the hallway and avoid being seen or he