Ayuda con la tarea de estudios sociales
Debes querer mejorar tu impresión general sobre este mundo y cada país. Como mínimo, deberías tener una buena idea de las civilizaciones que existen y de lo que está sucediendo en la Tierra. Si esto es cierto, estaremos esperando su llamada.
Desde la Revolución Francesa y el ascenso real de Napoleón al poder hasta el desencadenante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los problemas económicos ocultos detrás de ella, encontrará las respuestas en esta gran “enciclopedia”. Puede utilizar el asistente de tareas de estudios sociales para hacer sus preguntas y le proporcionaremos las respuestas más autorizadas. Es así de simple. Comience a mejorar sus calificaciones de estudios sociales hoy.
- Exploring the Essential Question Read the government actions below. For each, describe how the three branches are involved. is needed to replace her. __ the treasury. b. __ c. A foreign country attacks a U.S.military base overseas and Americans want to respond U.S.millity base.oresessand/Americanswarm oranges __
- Do Now: Which TWO statements best illustrate the characteristics of an absolute monarchy? Laws limit the power of the hereditary ruler and power is often shared. Ruler is generally a part of a hereditary line. All laws are based on religion and the head of state is also a religious leader. Citizens vote on representatives and have a voice in legislative proceedings.
- In your statement you assert that our actions.even though peaceful, must be condernned because they preciptate violence. But is this a logical assertion? Isn't this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery? Isn't this like condemning Jesus because his unique God consciousness and never ceasing devotion to God's will precipitated the evil act of crucifixion? We must come to see that, as the federal courts have consistently affirmed, it is wrong to urge an individual to cease his efforts to gain his basic constitutional rights because the quest may precipitate violence. Society must protect the robbed and punish the robber. I had also hoped that the white moderate would reject the myth concerning time in relation to the struggle for freedom. I have just received a letter from a white brother in Texas. He writes: "All Christians know that the colored people will receive equal rights eventually, but it is possible that you are in too great a religious hurry. It has taken Christianity almost two thousand years to accomplish what it has. The teachings of Christ take time to come to earth." Such an attitude stems from a tragic misconception of time, from the strangely irrational notion that there is something in the very flow of time that will inevitably cure all ills. Actually, time itself is neutral; it can be used either destructively or constructively. More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than have the people of good will. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people. Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be co workers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation. We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right. Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy and transform our pending national elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. Now is the time to lift our national policy from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of human dignity. 4. What argument about time does Dr. King make in the above paragraph when he says that "time itself is neutral; above paingraph when me up that the tears shadows. __
- privationorit with regre Distrorequanty, their passon maent, insatiable, incessant invincible: they call for equality in freedom, and If they cannot obtain that, they still call for equality in slavery.They will endure poverty servitude, barbarism-but they will not endure aristocracy. This is true at all times, and especially true in our own. All men and all powers seeking to cope with this irresistible passion. will be overthrown and destroyed by it. In our age, freedom cannot be established without it and despotism itself cannot reign without its support. These passages have bren excerpted and aulapted from their ariginals, including minor munctuation changes, spelling changes, and other modifications that have not rubstantially changed content or intent. 37. 80th Passage 1 and Partisge 2 explicitly discuss ati of the lationing A) equility B) Therly C) demectacy. D) justice 38. Which of the fellowing best describes the cifference instructure bermoon the two passages? A) Passoge largues that The most imp cossibly while Passage 2 argues that the most important deal is a dermooacy s liberty. B) Passage 1 facuses on ham presen government aliec's the ideoh Paragradatreasi on valuation of different ideals in a democricy C) Passage 1 prowldes evideice be advered in a sever democracy, while Passage 21 e binds of justice sociely on hour tarus a functiontin democracy in the tece at opposing factions.while Parsage 2 seve man nes different political philasaphiks an the geverainge
- 13. After Castro's visit what happens to make relations warmer between the U.S. and Cuba?