Ayuda con la tarea de estudios sociales
Debes querer mejorar tu impresión general sobre este mundo y cada país. Como mínimo, deberías tener una buena idea de las civilizaciones que existen y de lo que está sucediendo en la Tierra. Si esto es cierto, estaremos esperando su llamada.
Desde la Revolución Francesa y el ascenso real de Napoleón al poder hasta el desencadenante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los problemas económicos ocultos detrás de ella, encontrará las respuestas en esta gran “enciclopedia”. Puede utilizar el asistente de tareas de estudios sociales para hacer sus preguntas y le proporcionaremos las respuestas más autorizadas. Es así de simple. Comience a mejorar sus calificaciones de estudios sociales hoy.
- KING: If I lived in China or even Russia or any totalitarian country., maybe I could understand some of these illegal injunctions. Maybe I could understand the denial of certain basic First Amendment privileges because they hadn?:committed themselves to that over there. Essential Question #2 What's the connection between the above statement and American democracy?
- International Relations Assignment This assignment will be an on going assignment that you will add to during the course of the semester and it will be part of your final grade. You will be using your country in our model UN exercise and when we are in the situation room when we have an international crisis or world situation. In other words you need to take this seriously. Create your own country Government: eg.president, constitutions monorchy, prime minister, dictator autocrat. Before you choose what you want to be research the role you will be signing up for. History: a brief history on how your country was established remember 'a country without a past is not worth it's role in the world. Every place has some form of a history so make yours interesting if not colorful. Treasury e.g. Money, volue backing gold/siver etc. design your notes Banking System How is your money distributed, what medium do people use for daily financial transactions? Explain finencial transactions Economy: Stock market, economic growth, GNP jobs market ranking in the world economies, what does your country produce? Education system: How are your people educated? Treaties, alliances etc. Who are you aligned with (countries)? What is your countries world views? Allies or foes? Department of State Passport control, immigration, visas. What does a traveler do if they run into a problem traveling. Religion and it's institutions State sponsored religion, religious practices, beliefs. Medical system Health care for your population explain Membership in world organizations United Nations, SEATO, NATO Economic Summit, explain your role in each of these organizations Place on the globe above the western hemisphere or below the southern hemisphere Porks and other facilities Sports be specific and if you invent a sport have its rules and regulations National treasures eg Grand Canyon, Yellowstore National Pork herds of? Animals that are unique to your country How people earn a living jobs job prospects employment Geography and topography of your country Mountain rangers valley unique geological features like geysers, mud flats,mountains etc. Forming/ Agriculture explain types of crops Industry manufacturing and service industry explain Housing explain types of plans for citiees, towns villages mega cities. Your country in the world, dealing with the world order etc. eg global economy, your view on climate change global peace, current world conflicts eg middle east Africa. south china sea. Remember you are going to represent this country when we do any thing with a global twist to it so please take this seriously.It will be groded it has significance importance. Don't forget your countries name and it's flag Have some fun and be creative this should be completed in class and it is due on January 21st. Thank you. Professor OD ding unclu reme dser in
- International Relations Assignment This assignment will be an on going assignment that you will add to during the course of the semester and it will be part of your final grade. You will be using your country in our model UN exercise and when we are in the situation room when we have an international crisis or world situation. In other words you need to take this seriously. Create your own country Government: eg.president, constitutions monorchy, prime minister, dictator autocrat, Before you choose what you want to be research the role you will be signing up for. History: a brief history on how your country was established remember 'a country without a past is not worth it's role in the world. Every place has some form of a history so make yours interesting if not colorful. Treasury e.g. Money, volue backing gold/siver etc. design your notes Banking System How is your money distributed, what medium do people use for daily financial transactions? Explain finenciel transactions Economy: Stock market, economic growth, GNP jobs market ranking in the world economies, what does your country produce? Education system: How are your people educated? Treaties, alliances etc. Who are you aligned with (countries)? What is your countries world views? Allies or foes? Department of State Passport control, immigration, visas. What does a traveler do if they run into a problem traveling. Religion and it's institutions State sponsored religion, religious practices, beliefs. Medical system Health care for your population explain Membership in world organizations United Nations, SEATO, NATO Economic Summit, explain your role in each of these organizations Place on the globe above the western hemisphere or below the southern hemisphere Porks and other facilities Sports be specific and if you invent a sport have its rules and regulations National treasures eg Grand Canyon, Yellowstore National Pork herds of? Animals that are unique to your country How people earn a living jobs job prospects employment Geography and topography of your country. Mountain rangers, volley unique geological features like geysers, mud flats,mountains etc. Forming/ Agriculture explain types of crops Industry manufacturing and service industry explain Housing explain types of plans for citiees, towns villages mega cities. Your country in the world, dealing with the world order etc. eg global economy, your view on climate change global peace, current world conflicts eg middle east Africa. south china sea. Remember you are going to represent this country when we do any thing with a global twist to it so please take this seriously.It will be groded it has significance importance. Don't forget your countries name and it's flag Have some fun and be creative this should be completed in class and it is due on January 21st. Thank you. Professor OD ding unclu reme dser in
- El hedonismo fundado por Epicuro , busca la felicidad y la plenitud de la vida . Identifica el placer como el principio y fin de una vida feliz pero aboga por . la moderación de los deseos. Utilitarismo El utilitarismo , desarrollado , por Jeremy Bentham y John Stuart : Mill, se basa en el principio de la utilidad . Considera que la acción moralmente correcta es aquella que maximiza la felicidad oel bienestar general. Ética Kantiana La ética kantiana fundada por Immanuel Kant, se clasifica como deontológice J. Juzga
- Anarchism is aphilosophical concept that originated lins ORussia, ORance OSpain. OGreece.