Ayuda con la tarea de estudios sociales
Debes querer mejorar tu impresión general sobre este mundo y cada país. Como mínimo, deberías tener una buena idea de las civilizaciones que existen y de lo que está sucediendo en la Tierra. Si esto es cierto, estaremos esperando su llamada.
Desde la Revolución Francesa y el ascenso real de Napoleón al poder hasta el desencadenante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los problemas económicos ocultos detrás de ella, encontrará las respuestas en esta gran “enciclopedia”. Puede utilizar el asistente de tareas de estudios sociales para hacer sus preguntas y le proporcionaremos las respuestas más autorizadas. Es así de simple. Comience a mejorar sus calificaciones de estudios sociales hoy.
- 9. A vacancy on district court bench, is filled by a. a gubernatorial appointment, with Senate confirmation b. a special election c. an appointment by the county commissioners court or counts in the desire. d. an appointment by th presiding judges of the Administrative Bar of Texas
- Question 7 7. The Governor's, only constitutional budget power is a. transferring funds, from one line item to another b. reducing funds, in one or more line items, on his own initiative c. vetoing all or part of the biennial legislative appropriations bill d. submitting a draft budget, for legislative consideration
- 5. Should a hurricane strike a Texas coastal county causing substantial loss of life and property times and a breakdown of public order, what would be the governor's most likely response? a. Ask for charitable contributions, to the victims b. Call up the National Guard to restore civil authority and assist with the cleanup c. Take direct command of the local police and other emergency agencies d. Summon a special session of the Legislature , to appropriate funds for relief
- 3. By law , gubernatorial appointees must a. be confirmed by a two-thirds vote, of the Texas Senate b. be supported by the senator, from their home district c. be confirmed by a simple majority vote . of both houses of the Legistan d. resign from any private employment they have, at the time of their conferences
- ESSAY Discuss the Executive Branch of Texas by responding to the following: 1. Introduction: Define the role of the executive branch. Include a thesis statementiman idea. (1pt) II. Body: List the three constitutional requirements for the governorship of Texas. (3pts.) III. Body: List and explain three executive gubernatorial powers with an example for each. (5pts.) List and explain three legislative gubernatorial powers with an example for each. (5pts.) List and explain three judicial gubernatorial powers with an example for each. (5pts.) IV. Conclusion: Restate the thesis statement/main idea (1pt.)