Ayuda con la tarea de estudios sociales
Debes querer mejorar tu impresión general sobre este mundo y cada país. Como mínimo, deberías tener una buena idea de las civilizaciones que existen y de lo que está sucediendo en la Tierra. Si esto es cierto, estaremos esperando su llamada.
Desde la Revolución Francesa y el ascenso real de Napoleón al poder hasta el desencadenante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los problemas económicos ocultos detrás de ella, encontrará las respuestas en esta gran “enciclopedia”. Puede utilizar el asistente de tareas de estudios sociales para hacer sus preguntas y le proporcionaremos las respuestas más autorizadas. Es así de simple. Comience a mejorar sus calificaciones de estudios sociales hoy.
- 10. These people work for organizations and political groups. Their goal is to get politicians to vote in support of whatever interest the organization is a part of. Oftentimes they will use campaign donations as a means to help sway the opinion of congressmen Answer:
- 4. Which of the following is considered by some to be a major naw of the electoral a.The candidate winning the popular vote always wins b. Electors are directed by the Constitution as to how to cast their ballot c. Electors are not legally bound to cast votes for the state 's winning candidate d. The Senate, not the people, decides elections for president
- Which is the most accurate description of the use of social consciousness in political exchanges between the governments of the world? A head of state decides to not risk creating another enemy by protesting a rogue regime's inhumane treatment of its prisoners. Envoys of two countries who sit beside each other at the United Nations argue their country's policies. A leader opposes another state's policies and seeks to persuade it through economic sanctions. A despot who is oppressing a tribal clan outlaws social media cutlets because people post criticisms of his behavior.
- 1.- ¿Quién de las siguientes personas cumple con uno de sus compromisos que tiene como ciudadano mexicano? Jovita está embarazada, por eso procura asistir puntualmente a sus citas médicas. Greforio participará como funcionario de casilla en las próximas elecciones. ODiana se levanta muy temprano a preparar el desayuno para su familia. Fernando atiende las necesidades de sus padres ahora que son adultos mayores.
- Which contains the most accurate explanation of how social media shapes popular opinion? Instagram images of the massacre of civilians in Georgia by Russian troops caused global public opinion to turn against Russian President Vladimir Putin A Facebook stream of the killing of an unarmed black man by a white police officer in Ferguson. MO caused riots and protests. A video tweet of the assassination of the Ukrainian President Victor Yanukoyyet caused plobal popular opinion to shift against Ukrainian protestors. YouTube videos of civilian victims of chemical warfare in Syria turned public opinion against the Assad regime.