Ayuda para la tarea de tecnología de la información
La ayuda para la asignación de tecnología de la información puede proporcionar a los usuarios información de muy alta calidad sobre la vanguardia de la ciencia y la tecnología. Hay datos de información categorizados muy detallados y el software en sí no tiene permisos para usarlos, por lo que todos pueden disfrutar de la tecnología al máximo.
Inusualmente, también es una excelente organización de contenidos para la tecnología y la vida. Conecta usuarios y marcas para producir contenido interesante y profesional. Incluye información técnica, reseñas detalladas, consejos sobre habilidades y experiencias de productos, etc. Tiene formatos de contenido gráfico, de video e infomercial y cubre las principales plataformas de nuevos medios.
- Question 23 of 35 You are developing a Python program for an online product distribution company. The program must iterate through a list of products (product:(dList) and escape when it finds a specific product ID. Complete the code by selecting the correct code segment from each drop-down list. Note: You will receive partial credit for each correct selection Answer Area productIdList=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] index=0 square (index <10): print(productIdList[index) if product I dList[index]==6 : square else : square
- B. Select the most logical answer for each of the following questions from the responses provided. ¿Dónde está la computadora? A. Está encima de la mesa B. Está al lado de la pantalla C. Está debajo de la silla.
- You are writing code to return a letter grade based on the following criteria - The variable grade stores the numeric grade as a whole number botwoen 0 and 100 - Grades from 00 to 100=A - Grades from 60 to 09 - 1) - Grados from 70 to 70=C - All other grades are failing Complete the code try selecting the correct cole segment from each drop. down list Noto You will recerve partial credit for each correct selection ..... Answer Area square Brade to 100 square print Your grade is A. - square grade is 801 print Your grade is B. - square - grade 480 square print "Your grade is C. square print "Your grade is failing:" square print "Invalid grade entered,"
- You are developing a A) non application for your school. The application must read and write data to a text file If the tile does not exist, the application must create it. If the file contai must delete the content Which code soyment shoul you use? A open(''localdata'',''''pi t^ast ) B. open(''localdata'',''''') open(''localdata'',''n+'') D open(''localdata'',''r'')
- Question 18 of 35 The following function calculates the value of an expression that uses an exponent Line numbers are included for reference only 1 def calc power(a b) )2 return a"b 3 base = input("Enter the number for the base: ") 4 exponent = input("Enter the number for the exponent: ") result calc power(base , exponent) 5 print("the result is "+result) reach statement, select True or False to: You will receive partial credit for each correct selection swer Area