Ayuda para tareas de ingeniería
Diseñado para ingenieros estructurales de primera línea que trabajan en el campo, la ayuda de asignación de ingeniería espera ayudar a los ingenieros de todos los campos en su trabajo.
Contiene varias ayudas de cálculo, procesos de cálculo y métodos operativos que son efectivos en el trabajo diario del proceso de cálculo para producir datos rápidamente. Con funciones integrales de cálculo y consulta, los usuarios pueden buscar requisitos operativos relevantes de acuerdo con las necesidades reales y producir valiosos datos de ingeniería.
- Which of the following brazing filler metals can be used on clean copper-to-copper joints without using a flux? any BAg-classified filler metal, which contains silver any BCuP. classified filler metal, which contains phosphorus any filler metal with a silver content greater than 50 percent any filler metal with a zinc content greater than 25 percent
- What is the MINIMUM overlap when ceiling joists must be overlapped above a loadbearing partition? 3^n 6'' 12^n 18''
- If trusses or rafters are installed on 24'' centers, what thickness of sheathing is required? 3/8'' 5/8'' 3/4'' 1''
- Temporary bracing of trusses is required until what occurs? roof is complete sheathing is in place installation is inspected ) anchor bolts are tightened
- Why must grease and oil be kept away from oxygen tanks used for brazing? because these materials will clog the torch cause explosion __ because oil and grease cause rapid deterioration of the oxygen hose because oil and grease are incompatible with the synthetic lubricants in the oxygen tank