Ayuda para tareas de ingeniería
Diseñado para ingenieros estructurales de primera línea que trabajan en el campo, la ayuda de asignación de ingeniería espera ayudar a los ingenieros de todos los campos en su trabajo.
Contiene varias ayudas de cálculo, procesos de cálculo y métodos operativos que son efectivos en el trabajo diario del proceso de cálculo para producir datos rápidamente. Con funciones integrales de cálculo y consulta, los usuarios pueden buscar requisitos operativos relevantes de acuerdo con las necesidades reales y producir valiosos datos de ingeniería.
- What criteria would be used for building a solar cooker that feeds more than one person? is a family, cooks a one pot meal easy to use, fits a large nelther are correct both are correc
- 6. What is it about the FCA welding electrode that provides alloys to the weld? A. slag B. shielding gas C. flux D. welding power supply
- 6.) The driver of a vehicle complains of intermittont power window operation. Which of the following could be the cause? CA Ablown fuse CB Astuck closed relay OC. Wom switch contacts CD. High resistance in a connector
- The scan tool can __ Select one: a. Retrieve any diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) b. Provide access to sensor data c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor B
- A. shielding gas B. flux C. filler metal D. hot gases 3. What does slag do for the hot weld metal? A. Protects it from for themphere while it cools B. Keeps it dry C. Adds filler metal D. Provides different colored sparks different colored sparkleeprode that provides alloys to the weld? A. slag B. shielding gas C. flux D. welding power supply 7. What gases are major atmospheric contami- nants to molten weld metal? A. oxygen and acetylene B. angon and carbon dioxide C. nitrogen and carbon monoxide D. oxygen and nitrogen 8. Because of the __ characteristic, no some edge beveling I preparation is joints in metal up to 1/2in A. wire feed system B. deep penetration C. welder's power supply D. shielding gas 9. Small agricultural FCA welding wire feed sys- tems usually have __ feed rollers. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 10. The main limitation of flux cored are welding is that it is confined to ferrous metals and nickel-based alloys. A. true B. false 11. What input voltage do most small agricultural FCA welders need? A. 240V B. 208V C. 90V D. 120V 12. Where in FCA welding can an "arc stabilizer" be found? A. welding power supply B. welding gun C. flux D. wire feed control continued 13. Accord welding rabletectrodes can be used to ing frinout a shielding gas? A. T-4 B. T-2 c T-3 D. 1.5 D. T-5 mild steel FCA tensiles electrode E7OT-1 mild ensile strength of approximately __ psi A. 70 B. 700 c 7,000 D. 70,000 D. 70,000 he followinglding 15. problemproperly?welding wire that is probal improperly? A. CO_(2) B. H_(2)O c angon D. C-25 the electro shielding they are called 16. When all of the shielding, they electrodes pret shielded. A. true B. false 17.false ating position is preferred for weld. Whin the flat position? A. backhand B.forehand C. leading angle D. 90^circ angle 18 D. of penetration is not as great with the Depthand method as it is with the forehand method. A. true B. false 19. The __ is measured for the end of the electrode contact tube to the point the arc begins at the end of the electrode. A. work distance B. weld arc length C. height of arc D. electrode extension 20 __ can be caused by moisture in the flux, improper er gun manipulation, or surface contamination. A. Smoke B. Porosity D. Electric shocks