Ayuda con la tarea de historia
La historia es un tema fascinante para algunos y aburrido para otros. Mientras que algunos estudiantes se emocionan con los diversos eventos, batallas y personalidades interesantes del pasado, a otros les resulta muy difícil memorizar la cronología de las batallas, los nombres de líderes influyentes y la gran cantidad de información que ofrece la materia.
Afortunadamente, con estas preguntas y respuestas de historia, le resultará fácil recordar algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes y la hora exacta en que sucedieron. No se preocupe demasiado, incluso si los nombres de estas personas clave le hacen girar la cabeza. Nuestra ayuda con la tarea de historia tiene una función de asociación de inteligencia artificial que las asociará con algunas historias interesantes para ayudarte a recordarlas mejor.
- Question 9 (1 point) "A few years ago in the late 1920's Alain Leroy Locke, a professor at Howard University... came to Harlem to gather material for the now famous Harlem Number of the Survey Graphic [magazine] and was hailed as the discoverer of artistic Harlem. "The Whites who read that issue of the Survey Graphic became aware that in Harlem, the largest Negro city in the world, there existed a group interested in the fine arts, creative literature, and classical music, 9, well-meaning vapid (dull) Whites from downtown New York come by bus subway. or in limousines, to bee for themselves these Negroes who wrote poetry and fiction and painted pictures. "Of course, said these pilgrims it couldn't approach the creative results of Whites but as a novelty.well, it didn't need standards. The very fact that these Blacks had the temerity to produce so-called Art, and not its quality, made the whole fantastic movement so alluring __ "News that Harlem had become a paradise spread rapidly and from villages and towns all over America __ there began a [Slack]migration of quaint (eccentric] characters, each with a message, who descended upon Harlem, sought out the cafes, lifted teacups with a jutting little finger, and dreamed of sponsors." Levi C. Hubert, African American journalist, essay reflecting on life in Harlem in the 1920s, written in 1938 Which of the following contributed to Hubert's criticism in the excerpt of White Americans who visited Harlem in the 1920s? a The inability of African American artists to influence popular culture b Ongoing public debates over how to improve race relations c Opposition to recruiting African American soldiers for the United States Army d Racial restrictions on the freedom of speech imposed during the First World War d
- Question 8 (1 point) "All the fresh air that ever enters these stairs comes from the hell door that is forever elemening, and from the windows of dark bedrooms that inturn receive from the stairs their sole supply of the elements God meant to be free... The sinks are in the hallway, that old the tenants may have scoess-sed all be poisoned alike by their summer stenches __ When the summer heats come with their suffering they have messing more terrible than words can tell.... This gap between dingy brick-walls is the yard. That strip of smoke-colored sky up there is the heaven of these people....Abundred thousand people lived in... tenements in New York last year? Jacob Ris, How the Other Half Lives, 1890 The excerpt is best understood as a response to which of the following historical developments? The first Red Scare b Industrialization c The Great Depression d Reconstruction
- Question 7 (1 point) "All the fresh air that ever enters these stairs comes from the hall-door that is forever slamming, and from the windows of dark bedrooms that in turn recelve from the stairs their sole supply of the elements God meant to be free. __ The sinks are in the hallway, that all the tenants may have access-and all be poisoned alike by their summer stenches __ When the summer heats come with their suffering they have meaning more terrible than words can tell.... This gap between dingy brick-walls is the yard. That strip of smoke-colored sky up there is the heaven of these people. __ A hundred thousand people lived in... terfements in New York last year:" Jacob Rils, How the Other Half Lives, 1890 Studies similar to Rils were most effective in prompting action by the federal government during the a 1920s b 1950 s C 1960s d 1980s
- Question 6 (1 point) "All the fresh air that ever enters these stairs comes from the hall-door that is forever slamming, and from the windows of dark bedrooms that in turn receive from the stairs their sole supply of the elements God meant to be free. __ The sinks are in the hallway, that all the tenants may have access -and all be poisoned alike by their summer stenches. __ When the summer heats come with their suffering they have meaning more terrible than words can tell.... This gap between dingy brick-walls is the yard. That strip of smoke-colored sky up there is the heaven of these people.... A hundred thousand people lived in... tenements in New York last year: Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives, 1890 By the 1910s, the conditions described in the excerpt were most addressed by government unemployment programs acceptance of immigrants by native-born Americans efforts of middle-class reformers d consolidation of large corporations
- Question 5 (1 point) "If we do not follow the most scientific approved methods, the most modern discoveries of how to conserve and propagate and renew wherever possible those resources which Nature in her providence has given to man for his use but not abuse, the time will come when the world will not be able to support life, and then we shall have no need of conservation of health, strength, or vital force because we must have the things to support life or everything else is useless. __ [D]o not forget that the conservation of life itself must be built on the solid foundation of conservation of natural resources, or it will be a house built upon the sands that will be washed away." Marion Crocker, General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1912 People who shared Crocker's ideas at the time most typically sought to achieve their goals by proposing the use of new technologies to reduce pollution b seeking partnerships with business leaders to manage emissions promoting fedêral legislation to protect the environment d creating alliances with politicians to promote sustainable farming