Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- A qué tipo de argumento pertenece el siguiente ejemple Los rios estan al maximo nivel. ya que este año ha llovido más de lo que llovio en los ultimos diez años A) Hechos B) Estadistica o dato:duros con fuente C) Experiencia personal D) Racionales o de sabiduria popular
- room, Desmond knows in her own room hear. If he sings . She will know exactly the word on that top sheet of paper. Mrs. house, which Desmond rented from home e before he discovered that she would live in it house, in her two rooms, and silently listen to around her. She is a tall dry-skinned old woman in blue hair net,whose thick fingers dig into ny of desire to sympathize with everything that ow I know,"she groans. Last night when w tired she was after the long drive down from her face, her dull eyes rolled up to search for now I know I know." There is no end to her e doesn't already know But she will be quiet as won't know she is here. 17. Which phrase from paragraph 6 of the excerpt from "The Leper's Squint" best supports the idea that Desmond is struggling with his writing? has seen it all in his mind a hundred times he has never been one for plunging into things E prefers to work his way in gently hoping that the pen will go on by itself to write the next E words
- 6. Why is it significant that Nick decides to return to the Midwest at the end of the nove A) It symbolizes his rejection of the superficiality and corruption of New York. B) It represents his hope for a fresh start in the city. C) It shows his desire to reconcile with his family and return to his roots. D) It highlights his growing fondness for Daisy Buchanan.
- La intencion es probar, demostrar y/o refutar una idea, bien persuadir o disuadir al receptor sobre determinados comportamientos. ¿A quê forma discursiva se refiere? A) Narracion B) Argumentaciòn C) Descripcion D) Exposicion
- Read the following passage about how schools across the country are tackling the challenge of keeping students interested in school. School to Work Programs by Lorelei Faye 1 Several years ago, faculty at Roosevelt High in Portland, Oregon recognized that many of their students went directly from high school to low-paying, dead-end jobs. No wonder the school's dropout rate was 13 percent. Kids didn't see a reason to stay in school. 2 Determined to make school more relevant to the workplace, the faculty developed I "Roosevelt Renaissance 2000." In their freshman year, students explore six career pathways:natural resources, manufacturing and engineering, human services, health occupations, business and management, and arts and communications. The following year, each student chooses one of the pathways and examines it in depth. The ninth and tenth graders also participate in job shadow experiences, spending three hours a semester watching someone on the job. 1 Which best reflects the author's thesis for this selection? "Middle schools need to reinforce exploration activities within the community at the same time they're reinforcing math and reading skills in the classrooms." (paragraph 6) "They tell them about the business and what the people B who work there do and what their salaries are," Ricker explains. (paragraph 8) "Representatives from the city came into the classroom and showed our students how math, science, writing,and C communication skills relate to building new structures," reports Eve Maria Hall,who oversees the school to work initiative for the Milwaukee Public Schools. (paragraph 10) From the time students enter school, "We need to D what they see today,"concludes National School to Work's encourage them to dream about careers that go beyond Hoye. (paragraph 14)