Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- Vad Eniset up his haunted house a little bit away from the other robes that were distered in the farground Granted, the structure wasn't really part of the fair, but no one would notice. He only needed a few unlucky souls to wander of from the main event and into his trip And then? Then he would have them. Which statement besterplains the texts use of dramatic lirony? inarros When the teenagers decide to visit the hounted house,the author will ensure that their bas actudes are punished. when the teenagers decide to visit the hountes house, the reader knows that Wad Evil will trap them. when Wad Evil constructs a cutining trip,he is the only one who knows that the house isn't part of the fair. when Wad Evil constru as a curring trap, the audience knows that he will most likely reget his evil plot.
- Read the following sentences from the passage below. "Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing Imperative. Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose." Which of the following is the correct definition of the word disarmament based on the prefix 'dis."? not armod sell-armed barely armed (1) wrongh armed
- the best answer to each question. José wrote this paper to describe the history of the Panama Canal. -) A Read José's paper and look for corrections he needs to make. Then answer the questions that follow. around the tip of South America, this was of minimal concern. 19 In fact the completion of the Panama Canal dramatically reduced trave times for ships all around the world. 20 For example, trips between New York and San Francisco were shortened by 8,000 miles. 21 And the United States wasn't the only country that benefited from using the canal.22 The canal allowed for faster travel between Europe and East Asia as well. 23 This made it a major factor in expanding global trade. 24 In 2016, after another rigirous construction program, an expansion to the Panama Canal opened. 25 The expansion doubled the capacity of the canal and allowed much larger ships to pass through. 26 Today, about 14,000 ships use the canal every year, 27 Interested tourists can even book a cruise through this engineering marvel, 28 The Panama Canal has been referred to as "one at histoont most incredible What change needs to be made in sentence 24? A Change after to there was B Change rigirous to rigorous C Change the comma after program to a colon D Change opened to opens
- ead the selection and choose the best answer to each question. How Making Fun Weekend Plans Can Actually Ruin Your Weekend by Selin Malkoc heconversation.com December 1, 2016 Have you ever found yourself dreading a leisurely activity you had eagerly scheduled lays or weeks in advance? I first caught myself doing this a few years ago when I was traveling home to Turkey. had excitedly made plans to meet up with some old friends. But to my surprise, as the pate approached, I started to feel reluctant and unenthusiastic about these long-awaited eunions. "I have to go get lunch with my friend," I'd grouse to others, making it sound like a chore. 4. Was I an anomaly? Or do other people feel this way too? We increasingly rely on 7. What is the most likely reason the author included the information in the section "A rough solution"? To propose an alternative to the reader To provide evidence that reinforces her claim E To summarize the key arguments in the article E To recognize a counterargument to the main claim
- Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following Este texto trata de la influencia de la musica. El cuento original titulado "Desafinada serenata" fue publicado en 2000 en Tegucigalpa, Honduras por el escritor hondurene Jorge Medina Garcla Esta noche he venido otra vez a tocar el violin para el sapo. Habla prometido nunca mós volver a tocarlo pero es cierto lo que dice mi mamá de que no hay que andar diciendo de esta agua no beberé. En realidad ella es mi abuela pero yo le digo mamá porque es como mi mams yes muy roro que ella se equlvoque.excepto cuando dijo que el sapo erarana yque seiria pronto, porque yo me fije muy bien en mi dibum zooldgico de los confites Elmur yle mostré que los sapos son más grandes y corpulentos con cara de pocos amigos, mientras que las ranas son más finas y delgadas y parecen pensativasyno enojadas como los sapos y tienen el color mós claro y menos rugosa la piel del lomo, y en fin, era sepo y nunca se fue. Talvez nose fue porque no hallaba por dónde dentro de tanto cemento o tal vez porque encontrobuena provision de insectos o porque le gustaba la música de violin. Nadie lo sabe. Lo cierto es que nunca antes habla liegado ningún sapo a vivit a nuestro barrio Li Mi mamá dice que los sapos no son de confianza y que hay unos que son venenosos.pero yo sabla que el sapo recien llegado no era de éstos. Mark for Review Qué sentimiento express el narrador hacia el sapo? A De descontento B Detemor C De carifio D De euforia