Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- Diction... Tone ... Shift Diction means word choice The choices we make concerning what words to use in our writing create tone. Tone is the author's feelings concerning his/her topic. Can an author switch the tone or attitude in the story?Yes. We call that change in attitude a shift. Shift simply means change. Are there other types of shift in literature? Yes,there are shifts in simpl of view, setting and speakers. For this activity, we are going to focus on the use of diction to create tone and identify where there are shifts in tone. Directions: Read the passages below, and circle the specific words the author uses to create his tone. Identify the tone. If there is a shift in tone, draw a vertical line that shows where the shift takes place and identify the tone. If there is no shift in tone write "none" on the second blank line. 1. "The camp looked as though it had suffered an epidemic: empty and dead. There were just a few well-clad prisoners walking about between the blocks. Of course, we had to go through the showers first. The head of the camp joined us there. He was a strong, well-built, broad shouldered man: bull neck thick lips, frizzled hair. He looked kind A smile shone from time to time in his gray-blue eyes." Tone Tone __ 2. "Father", I said. "Only another moment more Soon we can lie down-in a bed.You can rest __ He did not answer I was so exhausted myself that his silence left me indifferent. My only wish was to take a bath as quickly as possible and lie down in a bed. ....can't go on...This is the end...I'm going to die here... "Father!" I screamed Father! Get up from here! Immediately! You're killing yourself...'I showed him the corpses all around him; they too had wanted to rest here." Tone __ __
- lead the selection and choose he best answer to each question. Jonah is writing a letter to request a refund from a company.Read these Jonah's letter and look for paragraphs from the beginning of corrections he needs to make.Then answer the questions that follow. Refund for Unsatisfactory Fruit Basket Dear Sir or Madam: 11 am writing to inform you about one of your products that did not meet my expectations. 2 Consequently, I am requesting a full refund. 3 On August 29,2021,I perused your website and finally ordered the Peachy Perfection basket. 41 paid 39.99 and indicated that the basket was a birthday gift that needed to be shipped to my sister At the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 51 prided her correct mailing address and recelved 47 What change, if any,needs to be made in sentence 5? A Change and received to I received B Change confirmation to confermation C Change would arrive to will arrive D No change is needed.
- __ 2. Emilio bought a leather saddle for a low price at the flea market. 3. After they left the movie, they decided to stop for spring rolls and tea. __ 4. My dog Zeus whose bark is deep and loud, just loves to cuddle and play. __ 5. Bae made the loaf of millet bread that is sitting on the counter. __ __ 6. I hope the woman who played the Schubert piece wins the piano competition. __ 7. Amanda filled the tub with warm water,and Jerry lifted the dog into the bath. __ 8. At first, the number of ripe tomatoes in the kitchen was overwhelming, but now I have several jars of canned tomatoes , paste, and sauce. __ 9. Many Americans believe there is a need for health care reform, which could make health care more affordable. __ 10. The panel of speakers answered several questions about international trade after introductory comments.were made. __ 11. Joaquin was very upset when he saw that the boots, which he had just bought, had been left out in the rain. __ 12. Leah put the bouquet of flowers on the table, and Mark filled the water glasses. __ 13. After the recording session was over, the musicians stayed in the studio for two hours. __ 14. Some people freely give advice, but seldom do they take it. __ 15. Do you know what the Martinos named their baby daughter? __ 16. The chef demonstrated how he makes the dressing for the salad. __ 17. Mr. Thompson explained the safety-drill process; then he repeated a few points for extra emphasis. __ 18. When Linda fixed the railing on the front steps, she asked a neighbor to help. __ 19. The breakfast waffles.which are made with sunflower seeds and pumpkin, are Sara's specially. __ 20. After Sharon read her essay to the class, the other students clapped.
- Name __ According to the film why is it so hard to educate girls in developing countries? Include an example of things girls are expected to do instead of attend school / Según la pelicula ¿por qué es tan difícil educar a las niñas en los palses en desarrollo? Incluya un ejemplo de cosas que se espera que las niñas hagan en lugar de asistir a la escuela Your answer
- que best answer to each the bese selection and choose question. Increase Your Revenue by Helping our Ex Environment 1 Have you ever questioned what people do when clothing becomes worn out or goes out of style? Throwing away clothes seems to be the most popular option for many people. A recent survey discovered that American household will throw away an average of 81 pounds of clothing a year! Clothing and textiles end up filling landfills across the nation and create more waste that does not easily decompose. There has to be a better way!Clothing recycling programs are an alternative that many people do not realize is available. Clothing stores and companies will take old clothes and recycle those pieces into new clothes to sell. To encourage customers to recycle, clothing stores may offer incentives and coupons for a future purchase. Unfortunately, stores that offer this type of incentive are few and far between. To normalize the act of recycling clothes and textiles, all store owners should consider implementing a recycling policy that How has the author structured his argument in the artice? A proposing solution, and addressing By presenting a problem.providing evidence, counterarguments. B and then listing stores that already have such By describing the benefit of recycling programs programs. C suggesting atternative methods without evidence. By criticizing current clothing dispost habits and D outlining future trends in textile recyding By detailing the history of clothing waste and