Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- Read this sentence from Passage 1 "Her soft and tender little form grew hard and unflexible within her father's encircling arms __ ' (paragraph How does the imagery in the sentence above contribute to the mood of paragraph 19? It creates an anxious mood by detailing Marygold's concern over Midas's greed. It creates a distressing mood by describing the transformation of Marygold into a statue It creates a condemning mood by conveying the narrator's displeasure with Midas's greed. It creates a fearful mood by portraying Midas horrified reaction to Manygold's transformation.
- Which two words are the closest synonyms? HINT A. alerted and notified B. error and prank C. malfunctioned and prevailed D. refrain and theory
- QUESTION 3 What cause-and -effect relationship is described in this Article? A. Because a 46 -cent computer chip malfunctioned, a warning system alerted the military that 200 Soviet missiles were headed for the U.S. B. Because the alarm at one U.S military base was wired wrong, an American soldier thought a bear climbing a fence was an intruder. C. Because computer software was certain that the moon rising over Norway was a Soviet attack, the U.S. ordered a counterattack. D. Because Soviet officers wanted to launch missiles that would have killed half of the United Kingdom's population, U.S.destroyers fired 3
- If there's a dongling modifier in the sentence fix it. Earlier today with a big smile James Rodriguez's birthday gift was delivered. Word menu-Drog ony unnecessory ssory words here. were are is I
- 1. Which inference about the MPAA ratings is most strongly supported by the following passage? However, APPC researchers report that PG-13 movies portray the same amount of violence as R-rated movies. Parents can no longer rely on MPAA's film ratings to help determine which movies are suitable for children. A. Teenagers who commit violent acts are usually more eager to see R-rated movies. B. Parents can help their teenagers avoid seeing violent movies by finding movies that are rated according to their child's age. C. The violence in R-rated movies is more brutal than what is seen in PG-13 movies. D. Violence is usually not reason enough for a movie to be given an R rating by the MPAA.