Ayuda para tareas médicas
¿No sería fantástico si existiera información clínica electrónica y herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones que pudieran ayudar a los médicos a encontrar la información que necesitan rápidamente, reduciendo en gran medida la cantidad de errores quirúrgicos y de medicación causados por una mala toma de decisiones por parte de los médicos? Actualmente, existen muchas aplicaciones de asistencia médica en el mercado para ayudarlo, y questionai es la elección natural debido a sus avanzados modelos y algoritmos de inteligencia artificial.
Este asistente médico es una información médica profesional y una aplicación de "toma de decisiones" clínica orientada a herramientas. El objetivo es reducir los errores de medicación de los médicos y posicionar la atención primaria. Proporciona dos servicios principales: experiencia e información médica general, y herramientas de evaluación y conversión basadas en farmacias para médicos y organizaciones de atención primaria.
- A doctor enters her office and greets her patient, "Good morning Ted." The patient answers in an unfamiliar voice, "Ted has gone away!" The doctor asks "Would you like to tell me your name?" "I'm Ernie, and I don't like you!" her patient replies. This patient has generalized amnesia. dissociative identity disorder. dissociative fugue. an attitude disorder.
- Patients with persistent complaints that they have physical problems like a serious disease, paralysis, or pain for which no physical cause can be found are exhibiting somatoform disorders. malingering. manipulation. anxiety.
- Victims of rape generally experience feelings of anxiety and helplessness within a few weeks of the experience of rape. This kind of anxiety response is diagnosed as acute stress disorder. post-traumatic stress disorder. generalized anxiety. conversion disorder.
- A woman's preoccupation with the thought of her house burning down makes her become so troubled that she must begin to get ready for work an hour earlier than is necessary. She needs the extra time as she compulsively checks and rechecks all of the electrical appliances and outlets in her home. A doctor is likely to conclude that this behavior warrants a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder. delusional disorder. neurosis. panic compulsion disorder.
- Ted, a college student,refuses to sign up for speech class because he is afraid that he will do something embarrassing in front of the class. He can't graduate until he completes the course. This behavior is most likely associated with a(n) agoraphobia. specific phobia. acrophobia. social phobia.