Ayuda para tareas médicas
¿No sería fantástico si existiera información clínica electrónica y herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones que pudieran ayudar a los médicos a encontrar la información que necesitan rápidamente, reduciendo en gran medida la cantidad de errores quirúrgicos y de medicación causados por una mala toma de decisiones por parte de los médicos? Actualmente, existen muchas aplicaciones de asistencia médica en el mercado para ayudarlo, y questionai es la elección natural debido a sus avanzados modelos y algoritmos de inteligencia artificial.
Este asistente médico es una información médica profesional y una aplicación de "toma de decisiones" clínica orientada a herramientas. El objetivo es reducir los errores de medicación de los médicos y posicionar la atención primaria. Proporciona dos servicios principales: experiencia e información médica general, y herramientas de evaluación y conversión basadas en farmacias para médicos y organizaciones de atención primaria.
- Question 2 of 10 Match the term in Column 1 to the corresponding statement in Column 2. Question- wording bias Response bias Under- coverage square influenced Answers that have been unfairly square your answers Using words in a survey that influence square are studying Not getting complete representation from the population you
- Question 1 of 10 Only an experiment can prove: A. effectiveness. B. causation. C. a relationship of any kind. D. a biological basis.
- Unit 8 - Stats The study described below is a randomized comparative experiment. Describe the freatment, the freatment group, and the control group. 8. A medical researcher collects data about a certain medicine. She asks 10 patients to take the medicine and another 10 patients to take a placebo (a sugar pil known to have no effect). None of the patients knows which group he or she is in.. At the end of 6 months, the group taking the medicine showed more improvement in their symptoms than the group taking the placebo.
- The study described below is a randomized comparative experiment. Describe the freatment, the freatment group, and the control group. 8. A medical researcher collects data about a certain medicine. She asks 10 patients to take the medicine and another 10 patients to take a placebo (a sugar pil known to have no effect) None of the patients knows which group he or she is in. At the end of 6 months, the group taking the medicine showed more improvement in their symptoms than the group taking the placebo. 9. A department store wants to increase its sales It assembled 100 of its best credit card customers and randomly divided them into two groups of 50. One group was allowed to use a special website for ordering goods and paying bills and the other group was not. At the end of six months, the group using the special website made 40% more purchases than the control group.
- Question 10 of 10 An experiment is designed to compare the differences in learning outcomes between learning math from a video game and learning it from traditional classroom activities. The experiment finds no difference between the two What was the dependent variable? A. The students in the control group B. The source of math instruction C. The amount of math learned D. The students in the experimental group