Ayuda para tareas médicas
¿No sería fantástico si existiera información clínica electrónica y herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones que pudieran ayudar a los médicos a encontrar la información que necesitan rápidamente, reduciendo en gran medida la cantidad de errores quirúrgicos y de medicación causados por una mala toma de decisiones por parte de los médicos? Actualmente, existen muchas aplicaciones de asistencia médica en el mercado para ayudarlo, y questionai es la elección natural debido a sus avanzados modelos y algoritmos de inteligencia artificial.
Este asistente médico es una información médica profesional y una aplicación de "toma de decisiones" clínica orientada a herramientas. El objetivo es reducir los errores de medicación de los médicos y posicionar la atención primaria. Proporciona dos servicios principales: experiencia e información médica general, y herramientas de evaluación y conversión basadas en farmacias para médicos y organizaciones de atención primaria.
- The slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in __ where individuals manipulate and assemble Information when making dedsions, solving problems,and comprehending written and spoken language. A working memory B brain circuitry C episodic memory D neural network
- Which of the following statements is true about cultural contexts of adulthood? A In many cultures, especially nonindustrialized cultures, the concept of middle age is not very clear, or in some e cases is absent. B In nonindustrialized societies, individuals are always aptly identified and described as middle-aged unlike in industrialized societies. C Every culture in the world has words for "adolescent" and "young adult" D Unlike in Gusii culture, midlife crisis is an exception rather than a rule in the American culture.
- During middle age the ability to hear __ sounds declines first. A low-pitched B high-volume C high-pitched D high-amplitude
- In the Berkeley Longitudinal Studies which of the following characteristics was generally stable across time for an adult? A ) Nurturance B Hostility C Self-control D Self-confidence (D)
- Angelo and his wife just had their last child move out of the house. He and his wife had lived vicarlously through their children letting their sports activities and various achievements dominate their lives. Now they may experience __ which includes a decline in marital satisfaction after children leave the home. A meaning of life dilemma B chronic discontent C the empty nest syndrome D alienation