Ayuda con la tarea de historia
La historia es un tema fascinante para algunos y aburrido para otros. Mientras que algunos estudiantes se emocionan con los diversos eventos, batallas y personalidades interesantes del pasado, a otros les resulta muy difícil memorizar la cronología de las batallas, los nombres de líderes influyentes y la gran cantidad de información que ofrece la materia.
Afortunadamente, con estas preguntas y respuestas de historia, le resultará fácil recordar algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes y la hora exacta en que sucedieron. No se preocupe demasiado, incluso si los nombres de estas personas clave le hacen girar la cabeza. Nuestra ayuda con la tarea de historia tiene una función de asociación de inteligencia artificial que las asociará con algunas historias interesantes para ayudarte a recordarlas mejor.
- 19 Mutiple Choice 5 points Warren G. Harding campaigned in the 1920 election with the slogan __ "which appealed to the public's fatigue from 20 years of progressivism and Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy idealism. New Nationalism Dynamic Conservatism A Vote for Warren is a Harding Thing to Turn Down Return to Normalcy
- Deal"took a pragmatic approach to solving the problems of the Great Depression and ahecated programs and policies based cowhat were as the "three RX"which were __ __ and __ Risk, Renew Reward Reconstruction Revizationtion Amstration Reliet Recovery Reform
- There was just one problem:the land west of the Mississippi was the Spanish colony of Louisiana, and Spain controlled the river! Worried that the U.S. might have its eye on their land, Spain didn't let Americans use the river.But by 1795, Louisiana wasn't turning out to be as profitable as Spain boats. hoped, so they finally opened the river to American American boats to sail on the Why did Spain finally allow Mississippi River?
- Why did Spain finally allow American boats to sail on the Mississippi River? There was just one problem: the land west of the Mississippi was the Spanish)colony of Louisiana, and Spain controlled the river Worried that the U.S. might have its eye on their land, Spain didn't let Americans use the river But by 1795, Louisiana wasn't turning out to be as profitable as Spain hoped, so they finally opened the river to American boats Shhhh! It's a Secret -It wasn't long before the U.S was talking about war Some in Congress wanted to just "take" New Orleans and be done with it! But President Jefferson sent a man to France to find out if Napoleon might sell New Orleans instead. The effort failed. As the crisis heated up, Jefferson sent a second man to help convince Napoleon. The men were authorized to pay 10 million to buy New Orleans (and Florida, while they were at it).What they didn't know was that because of other issues, Napoleon didn't even want Louisiana anymore. The men were shocked when France asked how much the U.S. would pay for all of the Louisiana colony! What do you think were the issues Napoleon was facing that made him sell the land? L
- Multiple Choice 5 points in adesperate and last-minute attempt to deal with the Great Depression President Herbert Hoover created the __ in 1932, which was authorized to distribute 500 million dollars in emergency loans to failing businesses and proved to be completely ineffective in solving the crists Interstate Commerce Commission Reconstruction Finance Corporation Federal Emergency Relief Administration Department of Financial Security