Ayuda con la tarea de historia
La historia es un tema fascinante para algunos y aburrido para otros. Mientras que algunos estudiantes se emocionan con los diversos eventos, batallas y personalidades interesantes del pasado, a otros les resulta muy difícil memorizar la cronología de las batallas, los nombres de líderes influyentes y la gran cantidad de información que ofrece la materia.
Afortunadamente, con estas preguntas y respuestas de historia, le resultará fácil recordar algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes y la hora exacta en que sucedieron. No se preocupe demasiado, incluso si los nombres de estas personas clave le hacen girar la cabeza. Nuestra ayuda con la tarea de historia tiene una función de asociación de inteligencia artificial que las asociará con algunas historias interesantes para ayudarte a recordarlas mejor.
- 10. What did the bombing campaigns in Japan aim to achieve? a. To destroy Japan's will to fight b. To secure Japan as an ally c. To restore peace in the Pacific d. To create a new government in Japan
- __ 13. France's Napoleon III liberalized his regime in the 1860s by A. taking complete control of the government. B. giving the leglslature more power. C. Ilmiting clvil libertles. D. focusing on expanding the economy. __ -14. During the reform movement In Russla, Czar Alexander II A. freed the serfs and allowed them to own property. B. Improved Russla's rallway system. C. sponsored Industrialization programs to help Improve the economy. D. prohibited forelgn Investors from providing funds for Russian industry. "When this assembly met,I represented to Its members that they had an arduous and responsible task before them; that they were to make laws adapted to the country. advantageous to the Government.and beneficial to all,-laws suited to the localities, to the character and customs of the Inhabitants." John R. Beard, Toussaint L'Ouverture: A Blography and Autoblography, 1863 __ -15. In this quote Toussaint Louverture is referring to his work during ther A. Haitian Revolution. B. Crimean War. C. American Civil War. D. French Revolution. DIRECTIONS: Short Answer Answer the following questions in lons in 1-2 paragraphs on a separate plece of paper. 1-2 16. How did literature change as a result of romanticism and reallsm? 17. What were the cause and effects of the French Revolution of 1830? 18. What were the goals of the revolutions in Italy In 1848,and what ultimately happened as a result? 254 Nationalism
- 10. What were the names of several black women who actively supported women's suffrage in the late 1800 s?
- 6. What type of bomb was dropped on Hiroshima? a. Plutonium bomb b. Uranium bomb c. Hydrogen bomb d. Incendiary bomb
- What famous man was a supporter of women's suffrage and was even present at the first women's rights convention?