Ayuda con la tarea de historia
La historia es un tema fascinante para algunos y aburrido para otros. Mientras que algunos estudiantes se emocionan con los diversos eventos, batallas y personalidades interesantes del pasado, a otros les resulta muy difícil memorizar la cronología de las batallas, los nombres de líderes influyentes y la gran cantidad de información que ofrece la materia.
Afortunadamente, con estas preguntas y respuestas de historia, le resultará fácil recordar algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes y la hora exacta en que sucedieron. No se preocupe demasiado, incluso si los nombres de estas personas clave le hacen girar la cabeza. Nuestra ayuda con la tarea de historia tiene una función de asociación de inteligencia artificial que las asociará con algunas historias interesantes para ayudarte a recordarlas mejor.
- The Italian Renaissance A new age called the Renaissance, meaning "rebirth "marked a great change in culture, politics, society, and economics In Italy, it began in the 1300s and reached its peak around 1500. Instead of focusing on religion, as in the Middle Ages the Renaissance explored the human experience At the same time there was a new emphasis on individual achievement. At the heart of the Renaisse nce was an intellectual movement called humanism. Renaissance humanists studied the classica cultures of Greece and Rome to try to better understand their own times. They emphasized the humanities- subjects such as rhetoric poetry, and history. Poet Francesco Petrarch was an early Renaissance humanist.He gathered a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts This opened the works of Cicero, Homer, and Virgil to Western Europeans. Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance for many reasons . It had been the center of the Roman empire:remains of that ancient culture were all around. Rome was also the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, an important patron of the arts. Furthermore, Italy's location encouraged trade with markets on the Mediterranean, in Africa, and in Europe. Trade provided the wealth that fueled the Renaissance. In Italy's city -states, powerful merchant families such as the Medici family of Florence, lent political and economic leader-ship and supported the arts. Renaissance art reflected humanism. Renaissance painters returned to the realism of classical times by developing improved ways to represent humans and landscapes. For example, the discovery of perspective allowed artists to create realistic art and to paint scenes that appeared three -dimensional. The greatest of the Renaissance artists were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Some Italian writers wrote guidebooks to help ambitious people who wanted to rise in the Renaissance world. The most widely read of these was The Book of the Courtier, by Baldassare Castiglione. His ideal courtier was a well-educated well-mannered aristocrat who mastered many fields. Niccolò Machiavelli wrote a guide for rulers titled The Prince, on how to gain and maintain power. Review Questions How did the focus of study change between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance?
- Select the correct foriegn policy for each President. Theodore Roosevelt - square William Taft - square Woodrow Wilson - square : Dollar Diplomacy : Big Stick : Watch and Wait
- D. Robert Boyle 6. Which Enlightenment concept emphasized the use of resson and look to understand the netwer? world? A. Divine right B. Rationalism C. Absolutism D. Foudalism
- What was one characteristic of American imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? avoiding involvement with nations in East Asia supporting independence movements in Africa rejecting the use of military force to gain colonies acquiring territory to promote economic and strategic interests
- 5. Which scientist's observations supported the hellocentric theory of the solar system? A. Copernicus B. Gallleo Galllel C. Johannes Kepler D. Robert Boyle