Ayuda con la tarea de historia
La historia es un tema fascinante para algunos y aburrido para otros. Mientras que algunos estudiantes se emocionan con los diversos eventos, batallas y personalidades interesantes del pasado, a otros les resulta muy difícil memorizar la cronología de las batallas, los nombres de líderes influyentes y la gran cantidad de información que ofrece la materia.
Afortunadamente, con estas preguntas y respuestas de historia, le resultará fácil recordar algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes y la hora exacta en que sucedieron. No se preocupe demasiado, incluso si los nombres de estas personas clave le hacen girar la cabeza. Nuestra ayuda con la tarea de historia tiene una función de asociación de inteligencia artificial que las asociará con algunas historias interesantes para ayudarte a recordarlas mejor.
- Westward Expansion 1. The major factors driving westward expansion included economic opportunities, __ for farming, and abundant __ resources. 2. The Transportation Revolution included three major developments: The __ Road (1811) - First federal highway The __ Canal (1825) - Connected Great Lakes to Atlantic __ on major rivers 3. The Erie Canal reduced shipping costs by __ percent. Jacksonian America 4. Andrew Jackson served as president from __ to __ 5. Jackson was known as the president of the __ 6. Jackson opposed the __ Bank of the United States. 7. The Indian Removal Act was passed in __ 8. The forced relocation of Native Americans became known as the __ of __ . Texas Revolution 9. The Texas Revolution began with the Battle of __ in 1835. 10. The battle cry "Come and Take It"referred to a __ that Mexican forces wanted returned. 11. The siege of the __ lasted 13 days. 12. Key defenders at the Alamo included: __ B. Travis James __ __ 13. The Goliad __ resulted in the execution of 342 Texian prisoners.
- 11. What factors led to the rise of totalitarian dictators in Germany.Italy, and Spain in the early 20th century?:Que factores Nevarun al surpimiento de dictadores toalitarios en Alemania Italia y España a principios del siglo XX? 12. How would you define nationalism in a historical contex definirias el nacionalismo en un contexto histórico? 13. Why are many nations dependent on OPEC for oil?¿Por que muchas naciones dependen de la OPEP para obtener potróleo? 14. What is the most necessary condition for a society to industrializ e? ¿Cuál es la condición más necesaria para que una sociedad se industrialice? 15. What trend is generally observed regarding minimum wages in democratic nations?:Qué tendencia se observa generalmente con respecto a los salarios minimos en las naciones democráticas? 16. During which period was the world's population growth most rapid?:Durante qué período fue más rápido el crecimiento de la población mundial? 17. What historical event is described in the lyrics of "Give Me Three Grains of Corn, Mother"¿Qué hecho histórico se describe cn la letra de "Dame tres grunos de maiz, madre"? 18. How did the Congress of Vienna impact European politics?:Cómo afecto el Congreso de Viena a la política curopea? 19. What were some consequences of European migration from rural to urban areas during industrialization?",Cuiles fueron algunas de las consecuencias de la migración europea de las zonas rurales a las urbanas durante la industrialización? 20. How did the success of the Soviet command economy influence otber nations?:Cómo influyō en otras naciones el éxito de la economia dirigida soviética?
- 1. The first significant contact between China and Europeans began in the 13th century. Who were the first Europeans to go into China? What was there purpose there? 2. Look at Document 1. How did the Chinese view the Western powers. 3. Look at Document 2. What was the importance of Macau? 4. What was the Canton system? Was it effective (use evidence from the reading to back up your answer). 5. The British expended their presence and trade operations in China in the 19th century. What were some of the items traded?Which item in particular was detrimental to Chinese society?
- 7. For what achlevemen has the Athenian statesman Clelsthenes been credited? desioning the first democratio structures serving for four terms constitutional reforms that opposed autocratic princlples supporting the rights of slaves to vote
- What was the Sovlet Union's general attitude toward nuclear energy during the Cold War? They were cautious about its use They saw it as a symbol of strength and technological progress They preferred to focus on fossil fuels for energy production They believed nuclear power could never be dangerous