Ayuda para la tarea de derecho
Esta es una herramienta de asistencia legal basada en tecnología de procesamiento de lenguaje natural que puede ayudar a los usuarios a encontrar rápidamente textos legales y explicaciones relevantes ingresando preguntas o palabras clave. La ayuda para la asignación de leyes utiliza los modelos GPT de OpenAI para analizar de manera inteligente las dudas del usuario y brindar respuestas relacionadas con esas preguntas legales. Al mismo tiempo, el proyecto puede aprender y optimizarse continuamente en función de los comentarios de los usuarios.
La ayuda con la tarea de derecho es un asistente legal de IA basado en la API OpenAI y la base de datos pgvector que puede ayudar a los usuarios a consultar y comprender rápidamente las leyes y regulaciones de los estados de EE. UU. y los principales países del mundo. Vale la pena ayudar a la gente corriente a comprender y aplicar mejor la ley y mejorar los conocimientos jurídicos.
- City of floomfield NOTICE Anew law has been passed by the State Legislature governing the release of municipal documents to citizens Should you recoive a request for information from the public, please fallow the procedures outlined below. The person making the request must fll out an official request form This form is avallable on our website No roquest can be honored without this form When received, the form will be immediately forwarded to the Information officer. We have only six business days to fulfill the request without violating the law The Information officer will then forward the request to the appropriate staff member la gather the documents requested. These requests take priority over other lasks. If you are unable to fulfill the request because of work constraints, tell the information officer and she or he will reassign the task Once the requested documents are placed onto a CD, stall will inform the requesting person. That person must come into the office to physically retrieve the CD and slon a form stating that the request is complete Please remember that personnel records, health Insurance records, and stal Social Security numbers are exempt from the law and should never be given out. You work for the City of Eloomfleld. A. request for Information from an individual has been properly fulfillod by staff in your office You have notified the individual that a CD with the requested information is available for pickup. According to the nellice shown,what must the individual do before taking the cơ? A Fill out an official request B. Moet with the Information officer C. Request the information from stalf D. Sign a completian form E. Wait six business dun
- II. Coloca en los paréntesis la letra que corresponde a la respuesta correcta. a) Establecida para imponer deberes y conceder derechos. b) Posibilidad de que la norma sea cumplida en forma no espontánea por la fuerza c) Reglas de conducta obligatorias. d) Socialmente reconocidas, como las tradiciones, los usos y costumbres. e) Creadas por personas distintas de sus destinatarios. () Normas Sociales () Normas Juridicas () Coercitiva () Heterónomas () Bilaterales
- the United States, and thered, are citient of the States and of the litter wherein they reside. No Btate chall make of enforce stry last which shall abridge the privileges or immaniles of eitirens of the United Statesi nor chall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without doe proness of laws now deny to say person within its junchiation the equal protection of the laws -14th Amendment, 15 Constitution line best demonstrates prodocton of individual nghits? Ho State shall make of entorice any law which shall abridge the privileges or nor dony to any porson within its junishition the equal protoction of the laws All persons bom on naturalized in the United States are calizens of the Unitod States "without due procoss of tow
- What role do property rights play in addressing the Tragedy of the Commons? They are irrelevant to the management of common resources. They encourage the overuse of resources by creating a sense of scarcity They help mitigate the issue by assigning responsibility for resource management. They exacerbate the problem by allowing unrestrictec access to resources.
- 6. Mary and Gary are counterfeiters. One day.they make a perfect copy of a 10 bill. They use it to pay their gardener. The gardener uses the 10 to buy pizza. The pizza maker uses the 10 to rent video tapes. The 10 bill keeps circulating in the economy, and no one ever discovers that it is counterfeit. Who was harmed by Mary and Gary counterfeiting a 10 bill?