Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- Read the except. The mood created by this excerpt can be best described as A indifferent. B sympathetic C serious. D enthusiastic foods can contribute to weight gain. In the early 1960s, obesity affected 13 percent of Americans. In 2016, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)put the obesity rate for U.S. adults at 34.9 percent. The rate among children ages 2 to 19 was 17 percent. Obesity-related diseases are the second-leading cause of preventable death in the United States, after tobacco use. Obesity can contribute to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. It increases the risk of asthma, arthritis, and depression. Obesity and the diseases it causes also affect individuals and the country financially. Every year, Americans spend billions on medical
- with Tom Buchanan? Pure romantic love Financial desperation Social climbing and desire for escape Random emotional attraction What psychological motivations might explain Myrtle Wilson's relationship 5
- Ex. 1. Place the indirect object before the direct object: 1. He gave the money to me. 2. She brought the book to me. 3. He sent a letter to me. __ 4. He told the story to us. __ __ __ 5. The teacher gave some dictation to us. __ __ 6. He sent some candy to his sister. 50 as intente 7. He bought some flowers for his wife __ 8. He gave a ring to (=phoned) his friend. __ __ __ 9. They sent an invitation to us. 10. John lent some money to his friends. __ 11. Will you lend your pen to me? __ __ 12. He gave some excellent advice to all of us.
- 1. Relata en las siguientes lineas, de manera crítica, un viaje imaginario fuera de casa, de visita a un lugar que te gustaría conocer, a la casa de un familiar o de un amigo/amiga.Incluye lo posi- tivo y lo negativo . Concéntrate en los preparativos del viaje, quiénes van, qué hace cada uno,lo que pasa durante el traslado hacia ese lugar,cómo se siente el transcurrir del tiempo, cuál es ,el motivo del viaje, qué pasa cuando llegan a su destino, el tiempo empleado duránte la visita, anécdotas, el retorno a casa, qué enseñanzas te quedaron de esta experiencia etcétera. __
- What is the significance of the list of names that Gatsby gives to Nick in Chapter 4? They are the names of important guests who will attend Gatsby's next party. They are the people who helped Gatsby during World War I They are the witnesses to Gatsby's alleged criminal activities. They are the names of people who vouch for Gatsby's story about his past.